Thank you Silly Sheep and Traveler
I've had asthma since I was very young, so I think I'm stuck with it (I really hope I'm wrong). It's hard to explain the difference. With asthma there is a fight to get air in, usually with lots of squeaky wheezing and an emergency inhaler works. Then there are times I can't get enough air, but it isn't a fight like with an asthma attack and the inhaler doesn't work. Doctors have told me for years to use long term inhalers, but they make me feel worse overall and I end up with lots of Bronchitis. I think Lyme or a co-infection is responsible for the not getting enough air feeling. When I read Prednisone could cause problems if someone has Lyme, a bunch of light bulbs went off in my head.
I don't have a LLMD. I've been to so many doctors and only one was willing to talk to me about
things that could cause all my symptoms, not just throw meds at each symptom. Going to try to condense this. One doctor did think I have Lyme, there was a test that was negative, but she gave me a big prescript
ion for Doxycycline (no idea what test was done). I only lasted a week on Doxycycline, that was a gastronomical nightmare of epic proportions.
That was over a year ago and real life has thrown us several curve balls since then. My dad had prostrate cancer (now doing fine!), both my in laws have had strokes, everything got put on the back burner to take care of them. We're finally back at a point I can look into Lyme again. The one nice doctor is no longer on our insurance and is an hour away. Looking for a new doctor makes me want to cry, it's hard enough to find one that won't argue with me about
not taking long term inhalers. When I was looking for supplements for Lyme symptoms, I stumbled on natural treatments. I decided to try natural instead of spending another dozen copays and all the frustration involved. I've had some improvements already, one is that my asthma is a little better...but the feeling of not getting enough air comes and goes, usually when everything else is flaring up which usually involves Prednisone and corticosteroid inhalers, not just the emergency one.
I am so sorry for the TMI overload, I hope I explained things a little better. The point is, I don't feel bad about
stopping the long term inhalers, for that a huge thank you! There is a reason they make me feel bad and it isn't "in my head". There are a few doctors I really want to call and give a big old raspberry to for making me feel so stupid for thinking term inhalers were making me sick (not doing so good with the maturity thing today lol)
Silly Sheep, I have zirtec, but only take it when I have allergies. I'm going to start taking it daily and see if that helps. If nothing else, I'll sneeze, itch and drip less
Thank you so much for checking with your mom to get info!