Hoping for some guidance.
I have been feeling terrible on and off for over a week.
1. I do have a lot of stress right now with my son who has been herxing while in treatment.
2. I upped my Jernigan Borrelogen to full dosage and increased Jernigan Anti-Toxx CNS to eight drops (a ton for me).
Symptoms: achey in shoulders, upper back, arms (these are my common pain points when I was misdiagnosed with fibro.) New symptoms: achey knees, ankles, pain in long shin bones, overall weird feeling in legs. Pain very low though like a two. And the symptoms are not constant.
I felt fine last Sunday and walked two miles next day the new symptoms appeared.
QUESTION: Do you think the upping of my protocol is killing something OR does this sound like Bart rearing its ugly head?
I have followup appointment Monday so will see. Losing faith with all of this