Hello, everyone. I apologize in advance for the lengthy post. It's my first time here. I'll not bore you with ALL the details.
In Nov of last year I had a strep threat infection. The doc placed me on 875mg Amoxicillin twice a day, and within hours I began to experience neurological symptoms. I had numbness in my right arm that dissipated in about
2-3 mins. Over the next couple of weeks, the numbness increased and eventually I wound up in the ER to rule out a stroke (had facial numbness, dizziness, and brain fog by then as well).
Over the course of a couple of weeks, the numbness disappeared and in its place I had panic attacks and anxiety through the roof as well as digestive issues.
In January I was feeling some better, but I was sent to an infectious disease doc who placed me back on amox and prednisone. I stopped the prednisone due to chest pains and low heart rate, and noticed some facial numbness on the amox so I stopped that as well after about
4 days. By this point, I felt that Lyme could be a culprit, but no one in the medical community seemed interested in treating me because I had no positive test result.
I saw a nurse practitioner who specializes in functional medicine who treats Lyme. She told me that I had the clinical presentation of Lyme and suggested that I might send off to Igenex to the tune of 1200-1500 bucks. She started me on doxy at 200 twice per day, and I took only three doses before I began throwing up convulsively and had to have Zoftan to stop.
She sent me to an integrative practitioner for his opinion. He did a thorough bioenergetic exam and in his opinion I have Lyme, coinfections, metal toxicity, and parasites among other issues.
The integrative practitioner gave me a series of nosode sprays and asked me to begin taking them at 1 spray 3 times per day. The first day of treatment I started late in the evening and one had one spray.
The next morning I was more tired than I had been in a while, felt dizzy getting out of bed. I decided to hold the dose at 1 spray. Over the course of a few days, I noIced digestive issues crop back up, fatigue, joint pain, some muscle pain, and anxiety reared its ugly head again as well. After 3-4 days of peak symptoms, I began to get gradually better and felt better than I had in weeks. I allowed myself a couple of days to enjoy the breath.
Then I upped the dosage to two sprays. Within a week, I was in a great deal of abdominal distress (felt like gallbladder or pancreas), felt like a boxer had used me as a punching bag throughout my entire torso, and I began questioning whether I really have Lyme??
I'm so confused. Stay with the current practitioner? Change to a different protocol? Seek another diagnosis?
I'm scared as I have two 8 year olds, and I'm not sure where to turn for help to heal me without debilitating me in the process. Is this par for the course for treatment? Will I have to be this sick to rid myself of them?
BTW - I never did the Igenex test because I wanted to use my money for the integrative practitioner instead. I've also read that their test can be negative as well.
Any help/advice//wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!