Hi, I am new to posting in this forum. I have read a lot of posts from people who suffer Lyme from years ago. I retracted Lyme from a tick back in 2008/2009. This last November I was finally tested positive for Lyme from the ELISA test.
My primary Doctor informed me she has no idea what to do for Lyme.
I have been diagnosed with
Deterioration on my Cervical Discs,
Varicose veins in my legs. (lack of circulation)
I suffer muscle spasms in my arms and hands, that literally tighten up so tight that my arms will involuntarily start to move and lock up.
I also suffer crippling pain in my Right Hip joint that travels down my leg
(the X-Rays show bone spurs)
The ortho clinic gave me a Depo Medrol shot 2 weeks ago in my right hip to relieve the pain.
The side effects were plenty, and my pain came back after the numbing process went away.
Since then i have been suffering redness (flushing) in my face, chest and shoulders, appeared as if I was out in the sun all day...
mood swings, anxiety, and panic attacks (shakes), (lack of concentration), (tight chest)
nauseated, throat throbbing, heart pounding, abdominal pain, and muscle contractions in my arms hands and stomach.
night sweats, day sweats, headaches, eyes burning,
Most of those symptoms already existed, just more intense after the shot.
This morning I woke up at 3 am from both arms and both legs from the knees down to the tip of my toes were burning like i was being attacked by a swarm of fire ants.
Today I had the most scariest anxiety, panic attack, I've ever experienced.
I called my doctor, then the Ortho office... neither one was any help.
I was out of control, off the chain, luckily I had a #10 diazepam left over from my Ablation procedure.
I'd like to think I am mentally in control again, but I still have the shakes, my chest is still tight, and I'm light headed.
Now I can normally keep my composure under the most dramatic situation, but today was not going to happen. I was a complete basket case, like never before. I wanted to just scream or cry!
My major concern is: will it happen again tomorrow? And what happens if it does? I will be going to the emergency room for Xanax or Diazepam to calm me down.
So I understand that Lyme spirochetes on steroids party like a rockstar, and in my case they sure do.
I had a big day today!!!! Whew!
Does anyone have any encouraging words to keep me focused?
It seems I have pushed everyone close to me away, with this stupid panic disorder....