Among other books and articles I dug into a couple yrs ago, I also looked into Kathleen's research and watched an interview she did w/ a colleague in her home - not sure if that's the same "documentary" you're referencing. Also read through the LymeCryme info a couple yrs ago.
Here's my unscientific, unsolicited, perhaps uninteresting opinion:
From everything I learned, and unlearned and continue to need to learn, the questions about
what Bb has done to our bodies and our society, what treatments are and aren't effective, why we will and won't recover, are really pretty complex. And as much as I'd like to blame the IDSA or .gov, this situation is just so much more complex than a group of people out to profit and/or "get us".
The issues w/ the vaccines are layered and the issues with treatment and not getting well started years before the vaccine development began. One thing that hasn't been mentioned in the multiple discussions re: OspA, B cell mutation, etc... is why the early science developed the way it did and what purpose it served and what this has to do with today's controversies.
In a nutshell, the two early vaccines were based on the 1970s Lyme, CT version of Lyme science, which is the rheumatological-manifestation of the Bb (joint inflammation + EM). The structure of the FDA approval process was also based on this science as was the definition of "success" for the vaccination. In other words, the vaccine got through the approval process because it resolved the joint inflammation and EM rash, the two objective symptoms of Lyme, according to the science. That's all it had to do - resolve those sx.
That's all the early treatment had to do to be successful, resolve htose two sx, regardless of the other sx that developed and how abx did or didn't address them. Other sx were considered subjective, not objective, and therefore were not attributed to the Bb presence or development of Lyme.
Herein lies the roots of any argument about
what Lyme is, the IDSA version of adequate treatment, what PLDS is, etc. And if tx isn't successful and/or other sx besides the two objective sx develop (in time, they did allow other sx like cardiomyopathy, etc.), the additional subjective sx are not attributable to Lyme. If they developed after the vaccine was administered, they were not attributable to Lyme or, therefore, the failure of the vaccine.
The first vaccine made it through the approval process. The second vaccine was pulled by the manufacturer before then. There's a lot of speculation for the failure or the pulling and I'm sure there's some truth in most of it. If they redefine the parameters of the success or failure of the vaccine trials, they have to redefine the early science. In order to get a vaccine that works, they have to redefine the science. Or, they have to get around it somehow.
There are several likely reasons this won't happen - the financial interests of the holders of microbe patents, investors of testing and vaccine, etc. They don't want to redefine the science. But vaccines are a $35 Billion pharmaceutical industry--someone else is in charge.
Last I read there are over 200 Lyme-associated vaccines in development and if they're based on the same limited definition of Lyme, nothing will change. And I'm thinking we'd have a vaccine by now if they made progress on better trial results. It's all about
what the FDA can get approved, which is based on the science.
As was already mentioned, the official version is that the Dearborn definition removed the two most Lyme-specific bands from the CDC-sanctioned WB, in part so that people who had been vaccinated would not get positive WB results for Lyme. This has never been defensible and there are probably military-related reasons we'll never be privy to. There's a reason the Bb microbe has mutated so significantly and exploded in our population so abruptly in the past 30-40 yrs.
And there are other complexities involving the confusing science that are also feeding into the controversies.
None of this is to say that the OspA isn't a serious issue, or mutates our B cells, etc. Many layers.
Post Edited (Pirouette) : 5/9/2017 10:29:59 PM (GMT-6)