This is so very wonderful, Kari!!! Congratulations!!!
I too echo what is being said about
the protocol being a heavy hitter, but if they monitor her properly, then they will be able to 'catch' her when she's in need of help with the herxing and detoxing. Just be sure that you have a good way to contact them on the days that you don't see them - that way if your Mom starts herxing too much, you can just contact them and explain what's going on.
If that time comes, do be sure to stay calm, because the doctors need to talk with someone that's calm and makes sense, take notes on what all your Mom is going through - be detailed about
it too.
There is no need for you to live in fear of what's going to happen - because there's no way of knowing IF it will happen. If they are right, and they are observant and responsive, then they will be there to help your Mom through this. Until you find out that they won't be - there's no need to worry!!
We just like to caution people when the protocol has the potential to be too much all at once because we have watched some people crash really hard - and of course, we don't want to see anyone go through that if we can be of help to them avoiding it.
So, bottom line, be prepared to contact them if things get bad. Make sure you can find their phone number (or whatever way they prefer you to contact them), and if you need to, be sure that you get good notes on where you are in treatment, and the process of what happened (like she took ____ 3 days ago, and that's when ______ started/got worse).
Deep breath now!!!! And relax. No reason to assume they won't be there when you need them.
And, Congratulations again!!!!
This is a wonderful start!!!!