I first felt twitching around my eyes when I was 28. I thought it was the beginning of wrinkles but the dermatologist blew me off rudely and said to not be so vain. A few years later I had early lines around my eyes, deep lines near my mouth, & the "angry" creases between my brows. I also had early MS/twitching & weakness symptoms in hands and face, so doc was actually partially right that it wasn't early aging. It was really the progression of lyme but I was still unaware.
I first tried Botox in the forehead at a very cautious & small amount. It wore off quickly so I stopped. The lines came back in the next few months and I tried again. This time it didn't take at all and I wasted the money completely so I never did it again. Another year later I was looking older and tired so I saw a naturopathic beauty doctor. She suggested Dysport, like Botox but smaller molecules. It worked like a charm. No idea whi I didn't metabolize it as fast as the other. I felt happier and more relaxed with my eyebrows not furrowing & looking mad al the time--and I didn't even go all in for the completely "frozen" look, haha. Researchers don't know if it's a matter of which came first, "the chicken or the egg", but women who freeze those eyebrow muscles tend to report more frequent good moods & less depression. Not sure if it's because they feel better about
their appearance or if stopping the furrowing inhibits stress chemicals. I stopped doing the Dysport when I noticed that my creases were gone even without treatment. I had it done once at the beginning of getting lyme diagnosis and it worked, no side effects. But now I'm staying away from all that stuff. I don't live in Texas anymore--No extra money for vanity
I also tried a tiny bit of Radiesse and Juvederm in the lines around my mouth. I liked the subtle fullness and more youthful look. I never did anything that was noticeable to anyone else, just me. Maybe that's why these wore off fairly quickly: I didn't get very much injected. Again, no side effects but not worth it to keep it up for me personally. My face looks exactly the same as 6 years ago when I first dabbled in this stuff. Now that I'm starting to get better i think I'm getting some fullness back naturally. Hope these anecdotes help you decide what's right for you.
Post Edited (mauihawaii) : 5/27/2015 4:22:18 PM (GMT-6)