Hi everyone, I posted quite a while ago, explaining my situation and symptoms, but got caught up with finals and haven't got back here until now. I just found my "Intro", so I'll quote that here just for a little back story on my situation, followed by the follow-up with my doctor.
Me said...
Hello everyone,
A quick introduction before I'm called back to work. Name's Josh, I'm now 30. Over the past maybe ~10 years I've just been experiencing weird symptoms, from fatigue to feeling really tight and like my neck and shoulders need to crack, hair loss, sore muscles (forearms & calves especially), recently sinus issues, not being able to sleep well and waking up throughout the night, inability to focus, and having a terrible time with my memory. I've tried the conventional way of dealing with this through my MD, which when I even mentioned the possibility of Lyme Disease, it was met with criticism. I've dropped him and started going to a Naturopathic doctor here in Monterey, California. I've tried Chiropractic work, just thinking it would be something misaligned for some of my problems.
The neck/shoulder tightness and pain just comes back.
As far as actual tick bites go, I was bit by one in a duck pond type of area, I went home probably like 6 hrs later to shower that night, and found it in the back of my leg. I just pulled it out, I was only 15, young and dumb, didn't think anything of it. I now have 2 weird dots on both of my calves, no clue if it's related to the bite. One is smooth, the other you can actually feel the bump.
So on the 20th of March I went in for my blood test for the IGenex test, just got my results today, although my doctor appointment isn't until the 18th of this month. I don't really know what to make of it as IGenex and the CDC results were both negative. My doctor told me before doing it that just because the results come back negative, doesn't mean anything. My result is "<40", my IgM was only positive on bands "41 - ++", and "39 - I". IgG was only positive on "41 - +" and "58 - ++". Don't really know what to think now, I've been so mystified by all these ailments for so long, that I was almost hoping that this was it.
Thanks for listening, take care.
VIEW IMAGESo I've gone back to see her after getting all my results, my iGenex, along with testing for adrenal health, testosterone, and I go back and see her again tomorrow. 5/24/17 at 9:30 AM. She diagnosed me with severe adrenal fatigue, and started me on this treatment plan that I've been on for about
a month now. I don't know if it's something I can maintain, finance wise, but I'd be willing to do it if I knew that was my problem, and it would help me feel better. But even with my hormones, and adrenals and everything being out of whack, wouldn't something in my body had to have caused that? I had a lot of faith in this doctor since she had Lyme disease herself, but when we went over my results, she really had nothing to say about
it except that I can recall except that it was negative. Didn't say anything about
my "Indeterminate" result on band 39 or anything. So when I go back tomorrow, I was going to mention possibly doing a challenge test, I heard getting a deep tissue massage along with the DNA Connections test from Colorado was helpful at re-diagnosing or checking.
I was able to link the images, but didn't know how to get them to show up in my thread so people wouldn't have to follow the link. I was hoping that people can offer feedback of what they think, or possibly of what they think I should bring up tomorrow when I meet back with the doctor. Thanks a lot, sorry if it seems scattered, my mind is kind of jumbled right now.