Traveler said...
I'm sorry, but my life has been over taken by stress (ACK!!) and I'm in such a funk over the lack of control at times. I was starting to see improvements (along with some issues, but that's to be expected), and here comes a TON (and I do mean a TON) of stress. Well, it's caught up to me.
Whine, whine... I struggle with eating anyway, but now I've completely lost my appetite. If I think of the food I'm about to eat, I can't eat. Everything sounds like it will make me puke.
Whine, whine... I had to really work to convince myself that I MUST take my herbs and supplements yesterday and today so far. It feels sooo never-ending right now and I'm just tired of it all.
Whine, whine.... my innerds are in a rebellious streak. They just are NOT happy campers no matter what I do, and it's been a LOOOONNNNGGGG 54 years living with these emotional innerds! (Ugh)
And, I could go on, but you all know what this is about - WHINING!!! And I'm officially whining today.
Thanks for listening. LOL. It helps when I can reach out to those that truly understand what we struggle with. It's not just one or two things, but often the whole darned body that's just not happy. And, my body IS NOT a happy camper.
Oh - and I am herxing, but only at low levels - ie, some nerve pain/burning, muscle twitches, a bit of brain sluggishness, but nothing at all like what I have been through.
You are entitled to whine as much as you want. You have been such a rock for this community. Always helping everyone out and providing answers. I'm so grateful to you and can't imagine how much work you put in for us.
hopefully you can take a day off and pamper yourself or just rest.