The Dude Abides said...
Hi Krimpet,
I'm sorry for all the stuff with which you're dealing. I have some of the same issue you cited, such as dizziness, headaches, feeling faint, digestive issues, shortness of breath / air hunger. I sure hope you're able to get yourself back on an even keel soon.
I'm curious about how your practitioner tested your supplements? And, has such testing proven successful in the past? I'm not familiar with "biomagnetic sessions."
Wishing you speedy healing and relief!
El Duderino
Thanks! One practitioner muscle tests, however this one does it with magnets and how my body responds. I actually had to do some reading on biomagnetism. It's not that I place all of my eggs in that basket but she's been really good at identifying areas of my body where I'm having symptoms w/o me telling her. She's looking for balance, but you can't get there with all the creepies (lol).
As far as whether she's on point with testing the supplements. I actually compare 2 different practioners. And thus far they both have been the same in their conclusions.