Posted 6/27/2017 7:58 AM (GMT -5)
Have you ever done Heart Rate Variability test? Very easy to do, it takes a few minutes, 100% non-invasive, and it shows how normal or abnormal is the Autonomic Nervous System.
Some practitioners will tune their treatments with those HRV tests: the better the patient goes on HRV, it means their treatment is better.
The worse the patient fares in HRV, it means, their condition is just declining, so a change in treatment is called.
I would certainly add binders, minerals (such as magnesium, selenium), some vitamins or antioxidants.
I think infections can mess with heart rate (Bb was clearly messing mine): treatment = antimicrobials.
But also toxins can mess with heart rate: treatment = binders, cleansing treatments /supplements, detox organs support can help there.
And at last, bad teeth /bone infections can mess with the heart: so only cleaning the mess of toxins + infections there can lower symptoms.
I had personal experience with all 3 problems above, all are solved today.