Posted 6/11/2017 1:43 PM (GMT -5)
I had a distinct toe numbness, slight pain on the outer and tip of my right big toe. I tried to wiggle it to see if it was a circulation thing, get blood going to it maybe it fell asleep but I get this neuropathy like it's down to the bone, still numb at the tip or hurts inside the bone, also unsteadies my gait. So..yes.
I also have hair loss on my legs where my ankles are as if I wear crew socks (no hair, like it's been rubbed off but i never wear higher than ankle socks) and I researched it is tiny capillaries? not getting blood to the surface of the dermis? sign of a co-infection I believe.
Also slightly unrelated but related is ridges on my fingernails and toenails which I've read several places is a sign of ongoing chronic infection(s) DUH! My last primary ignored this in the most dismissive arrogant way! It's like I have to paint a picture and get a peer reviewed stack of papers in front of them. Anyhoo *sry
So yes I have toe pain neuropathy, sometimes numbness. Our resident experts seem to think it's more Co than Bb. I would agree. I had sole (bottom of my feet) pain/tenderness on waking for awhile, cant remember if thats usually Babs or Bart.
I have balance issues (not just financial ha!) that my equilibrium gets thrown off, so yes. I fell down (im in my 40s) while doing shuttle runs with a soccer ball.
Also had a staph aureus infection on my big left toe last year that hurt like it was broken, just throbbing (7/10) pain until minor surgery, they took the side of the nail off and gave me Bactrim. Still haven't taken more of the Bactrim because it upset the buggers my system in a way that I found hard to manage (neuropsych symptoms). I believe this susceptibility to Staph. is/was caused by immunosuppressive Lyme Borrelia and Co. (Staph aureus is everywhere, every one has it, it's in showers, u can get it from razors if you don't disinfect razor heads with rubbing isopropyl alcohol and q-tips).
Ok. That is all for now.
My grandma has had vertigo for awhile and I wonder if infections are involved. My mum has Alz. and I think it's infection related. I wish more traditional docs would believe that antibiotics might be a good angle.