intrepidakira said...
Penicillin is known to cross react with antigens produced by certain viruses in the herpes family - namely Epstein Barr which causes mono. Normally you get a rash and that's about the extent of the reaction. As mono is often confused with strep throat (both cause white spotty tonsils) this is where the cross reaction most often occurs as strep throat is treated with Penicillin.
Yes, thank you. This is what I was thinking of. Ok, good to know.
Good discussion. Yes lymehater, you need to treat Coxsackie, like Traveler said. And the suggestions about
Lysine and other antivirals are good too. I am taking 6000 mgs daily of Lysine because my HHV7 was so high. But I think lower would work too. Something else to think about
is a low arginine diet. I got on the wagon again awhile ago with GF/DF but replaced it with lots of almond everything. Milk, flour, butter, yogurt. My doc quickly reprimanded me about
that. There is even a website about
it. But it might be for the viruses just in the herpes family. So take that into consideration too.
@tickbite-thanks for the reminder. I recently got Buhner's book and it's great. But I get so overwhelmed with what is going to interact with what. Like the Chinese skullcap and licorice are ones, I forget the term, that increase or decrease other meds in the body. Some days I literally want to throw my hands up. I did start with Lomatium, Neem, mushrooms, astragalus; but for now I think I will just take his advice about
building up my immune system with rhodiola and cordyceps.
Valtrex was the one that gave me horrible psychosis, but my doc said he's never heard of that, although there is a tiny blurb in the "reactions" in the med insert that lists that.