I'm a bit late, I know...
I've been posting here for a while, but realized I never really introduced myself properly.
I'm no longer treating lyme, and was reading the forum, and found out some pretty good comments, a more positive feeling than most lyme forums, and decided to subscribe!
I also find it nice that many people here are following less the drug path, because I never fared well with drugs.
So here it is:
I got first bitten by a tick on my shin, sometime in May 2005 after taking the post (Switzerland).
That was the only thing I did outdoors, so I caught the tick by walking a few steps from the front door!
I developed the EM rash after about
2 weeks, then went to see a local MD, who prescribed me 2 weeks doxy.
I don't remember if he did the Elisa and Westernblot then...
I was symptomless from lyme then. The rash faded fast.
After about
a month, I started feeling light arthritic pains in my knees.
Then other joint pains, all light.
I went to Belgium for vacations, and suddenly, I had my first sciatic attack and could not walk well.
An acupuncturist MD sort of cured me from the pain rather fast.
But she tried to stick needles behind my neck, and could NOT: the needles popped out, as my neck was 'hard as wood', in her words.
I found it funny, because I was not tense.
But indeed, my neck felt like wood.
When I came back to Switzerland, I googled 'stiff neck' and 'joint pain'' and 'lyme' kept coming back.
As all started after the tick bite, I decided to call the MD again, and asked him for a blood exam.
I'm not sure it was my 1st or 2nd exam.
In any case, my 1st Westernblot came positive for lyme!
My 2nd came 'borderline'.
He was not sure what to do, so he sent my exams to a local specialist.
Result: 'no treatment'.
By August, I was declining, had quite many symptoms, and a crushing fatigue.
I went to Zurich to see the most known lyme specialist, called Dr. Satz (Please moderators, leave his name here, as he's a total quack).
He did the 3rd Westernblot, and it came 'negative': no treatment again.
Then started my pilgrimage to doctors in Belgium, Switzerland and Germany.
Many specialists, tropical disease institute, university hospitals, private practitioners: nothing found, they do not believe in chronic lyme, I was labelled: 'post lyme disease'.
By September same year, I could barely walk. I had tons of neuro symptoms, digestive symptoms, arthritic symptoms, light sensitivity, could not breathe well, night sweats, well... you name it.
The lyme quack specialist dr. Satz gave me pills against catarrh for my air hunger, said I could not have babesiosis because I had a spleen ('no one can catch babesiosis if you have a spleen', he said) (or was it gall bladder?)...
I mean, he gave me flu medicine for air hunger, and I had absolutely no flu!
He said I should read his book, which I did, on tick born pathogens. It was pure IDSA Swiss version!!
I rarely caught colds or flu for decades, and that was all the help I got from him.
I was already on iron injections, because of extreme low Ferritin (of course, it was due to babesiosis as I never had to take iron in my life, nor had night sweats the way I was having).
Sometime in November I begged another MD for Riamet. He gave me!
It was then that I got SURE I had babesiosis, because all the night sweats, air hunger disappeared after those 3 days of Riamet! Only to come back weeks later, of course. But that experiment showed me I had babesiosis and that all these doctors had been wrong!
After about
15 different hospitals/ specialists in 3 countries, I gave up searching for help.
In October, my condition was so bad that I could not sit up, most of the day.
One day, I thought it was over: I had no more force to
open my eyes in the morning, no matter what I tried, my eyes did not
My child was left screaming in front of a TV set for weeks on, because I could not look after her.
She was one year old.
I had no family around (mine live in another continent!), my husband's family live 8 hours away.
No one could look after my toddler.
While I was struggling to
open my eyes, I had a vision of my own death.
Like in Power Point!!
My whole life appeared in slides, all phases of life, from childhood, studies, moving abroad, marrying...
All was fine, I accepted my fate as I had had a happy life until then.
Until I saw my daughter's face.
She was only 1 year old. The only thing I wanted was to see her growing.
From that moment on, I was not in peace any longer, but I wanted so badly to still live!!
Like an atomic explosion, I gathered all the energy I could to
open my eyes.
When that happened, I crawled downstairs to the computer, bought Buhner's book (it was October 2005, the book was still new, I just heard of one person using his protocol then!!), and my lonely lyme journey started.
Since start, I treated myself alone, because I found no one to help.
Due to a lyme forum, I was later introduced to dr. Klinghardt's approach and then things went better.
I had to wait months for an appointment with 2 practitioners following his approach, one in Switzerland, one in Germany, the right hand of dr. K. then.
I was introduced to ART, Psycho-kinesiology, Mental field therapy, Sanum, Heel products, laser therapies, light therapies, bee products, two-point acupuncture, eye movement therapies, a huge amount of homeopathic remedies, teeth treatments, chelation, vaccination detox, nosodes, rizols, micro current with rife frequencies, etc etc...
I learned energy testing, did a couple of courses on ART, everything went then much better, specially when I concentrated on detox instead of taking loads of anti-microbials.
With energy testing, the speed of healing went about
50 times faster than without energy testing. I mean, self testing.
A year later, my daughter got bitten on her head, while we were in Belgium.
She developed symtoms from day 1, while the tick was still attached!
Her tummy got bad, she became very fussy for no reason.
Soon after that, she developed arthritis, at the age of 2!!
I gave her amoxy for 5 weeks, from day 1 after tick bite, but she fell ill with chronic lyme, anyway.
Too many coinfections, I suspect. She was a misery after those 5 weeks of amoxy.
My lyme doctor urged me to pull her off antibiotics, which I did.
That was the last time she ever took an antibiotic in her life (she was only 2, now she is 13!!)
We both have had all coinfections our lyme practitioners could test.
We had been bitten numerous times during treatment of chronic lyme. It was very hard.
She ended up in wheel chair twice, unable to walk, in extreme pain, day and night.
It was not a fun journey, for such a small child.
We used Buhner, Cowden, Klinghardt, Chinese herbs, homeopathy, microcurrent (with Rife frequencies), a photon device, laser detox, and could eventually reach remission a couple of times, only to relapse again, and again...
Or we got bitten again and again.
At one point, we learned how to avoid ticks that contained Borrelia, by a trick I learned with my lyme doctor (who in turn, learned from a vet).
Whole herds here are sometimes plagued by ticks, and a vet came with the idea of giving Borrelia nosodes to sheep. Surprisingly, the number of attached ticks in the farmer's herd diminished to 5-10% rather suddenly (in a month after taking the Bb nosodes!).
So that is what we did: we took the same Bb nosodes, and we still do, for more than 10 years now.
It seems that ticks that contain Bb do not bite us, but other ticks still do.
At a certain point then, my daughter was bitten again (as we usually are still bitten to this day!!), and caught FSME, tick born encephalitis, which is endemic here (red zone).
The place we live is not far from the Black Forest, where Erich Traub did some of his pathogen experiments during the WWII.
EM rash after tick bites were reported very early in this area (beginning from the 1900s), so for at least 100 years in the Black Forest!
So tick born diseases are very old in our area. Ticks are 'dirty' with infections.
Much before Lyme in Connecticut (about
Anyway, we use this technique of drinking nosodes from February on, until September, and get less bitten. Otherwise, we can get bitten every day, easily.
The number of bites fell to about
5 a year or so. For each of us! Anyway, better like that than almost daily.
So my daughter got FSME once from a tick, that I believe, contained no Bb!
It was anyway, the WORST tick-born infection we got so far.
It almost killed her too, as she had been fighting chronic lyme for years, and then got that FSME infection on top.
FSME can handicap in less than 3 weeks, for life, or kill.
She came out after an experience that literally changed my life. I can't explain here all what happened, but everything we were doing was not helping, and she was declining, horrible headaches, branched to electrodes almost the whole day and night...
Well, we both ended up alive in the end!
Don't ask me all details.
Our lyme journey finally ended in May 2009, when my lyme doctor told us 'cured'.
He told me that I healed so fast. I wanted to punch his face.
I said: 'How so fast? It took me, day and night, 365 days, no break, for 4 whole years of my life and you say 'I healed so fast'????!!
He smiled and added: 'You were my worst patient. Many of my patients that were much better than you are still ill, but you healed faster than them! Congratulations!'
Our last treatment, that put our lyme dormant for good, was photon + nosodes, which I did using the PE1.
My daughter was then in wheel chair, extreme pain, doubled-size knee, so I booked an appointment with Dr. W in Germany for photons and the Bionic treatment. We had to wait more 3 months on waiting list.
So I treated her home, using my own energy tests. When our appointment arrived, we were symptomless!
That was back in 2009, since then, our lyme disease did not return. So far!
We still get bitten (this year, I got already 5 bites, my daughter 3). Ticks here a very contaminated, but somehow, we do not fall ill anymore.
that's our long story!
Post Edited (Jinna) : 6/13/2017 3:28:06 PM (GMT-6)