Nothing that we haven't been saying, but another great response to the CDC article:
/ A portion of the article:
"The time has come when the public is entitled to know who in government or elsewhere is controlling the treatment of Lyme disease. 43 years into the disease, patients who can range from just infected to seriously debilitated with long-standing disease, are all thrown the same tired old bone, 3 weeks of doxycycline.
Scientists who are able to publish the science behind longer-term treatment have their science ignored. The public is not told about
persister cells being discovered which appear to be able to survive initial antibiotic treatment; they are not told about
biofilm formation; they do not know about
the Lyme bacteria hiding in different types of tissues. They are not told about
the animal studies which show survival of the spirochete after treatment.
Government-funded NIH research has featured the same old studies with nothing new to offer sick patients, apparently due to the “experts” refusing to sit on peer review on studies with patients with long-tern symptoms--they do not believe in chronic Lyme. New technology is ignored.
Advocates are blamed for incorrect information being posted on the net, for spreading junk science, for misunderstanding the science, for vaccine failure, for misleading patients, for promoting chronic Lyme, etc. etc.
Patients are categorized as hysterical, needing psychiatric care, having symptoms after treatment no different than those of the normal population-- bottom line, not physically sick. These Lyme denialists offer them a pat on the head and show them the door, all the while chanting the “no chronic Lyme” mantra, clueless as ever as to what might be wrong with these patients or how to cure them.
Treating physicians are excoriated for caring about
patients, spending hours of time with them to make a clinical diagnosis of Lyme disease and oftentimes, co-infections. They are forced to test with antiquated technology using restrictive band definitions, tests which should have been scrapped years ago, band restrictions that never should have been imposed. Meanwhile, they look over their shoulder to check out whether the “Lyme police” are coming after them and their medical licenses, in part due to the
Draconian Infectious Diseases Society (IDSA) guidelines imposed upon them and their suffering patients: 3 weeks of doxy, nothing else, perhaps a psychiatrist, or what often happens to these patients, a “goodbye, live with it.”
CDC has only endorsed and posted the IDSA guidelines on their website, despite the fact those guidelines are stale and have long ago been removed from the National Guidelines Clearing House, set up under the auspices of the US Department of Health & Human Services. The Lyme Guidelines from the International Lyme & Associate Diseases Society, ILADS, doctors who truly have an understanding of the disease and work in the trenches to provide real medical help versus false erudition, are posted on the National Guidelines Clearing House, which indicates they meet the Institute of Medicine Standards for Guidelines."