Posted 6/20/2017 7:54 AM (GMT -5)
I love your list.
I'm also lyme free for more than 8 years and so is my daughter.
I agree about exercises: I was barely able to stand on my 2 legs, how the hell could I have done exercise to improve from lyme?
If I could take a shower on my own, I would have already won a prize then! Thinking about exercise sounds absurd in that condition.
The moment I felt better, I exercised a bit more, then got the awful post exertional fatigue, that took me days to recover from.
During the time I was crashed, infections came back stronger, everything went downwards, not upwards.
Exercise is then ONLY for the ones who have energy enough to do that.
And certainly, after lyme is gone, exercise is very good!! but during lyme, each case is a case.
Burrascano didn't have many patients like me, I think.
I find you missed GLUTEN in your list.
What I see is that gluten plays such an important role in lyme, candida, gut issues, auto immune, joint diseases etc.
A bit like you see dairy as a problem...
I also test people energetically, and I'm still to see anyone with lyme and absolutely no problem with gluten.
Instead of probiotic supplements, I am more prone to take real probiotics from food.
I never had problems with probiotics in food (such as kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, fermented veggies...) while ingesting probiotics usually only gave me temporary relief.
If they did help, which was not always the case, no matter how expensive the supplement was.
Instead of taking supplements, I vote for real probiotics. They are tastier, and nourish the body as well (as they are coming in food).
And last: the ABX part: I totally agree.
Take it for a couple of weeks, or a couple of months. Then pause, give other treatments a chance.
Then come back to abx if necessary, but always, short term.
When lyme goes fully dormant, your gut, nerves, detox organs such as liver /kidneys will be tired of the long illness.
Even the teeth get 'tired'. Nails get weaker...
It feels like you've been through a tornado that did not let your body rest for years.
At least, that is how I felt.
So taking abx for too long only will still damage more what lyme already damaged (more liver /kidney / gut stress).
Avoiding stressing agents, be them psychological or what you put inside your body (such as any drug that will NEED to be detoxed) is a good approach. It takes burdens from the body.
I fully healed without abx. Many herbs go systemic, as Buhner explained, so they DO reach many hidden parts of the body, crossing the BB barrier etc.
I'm glad you reached the 2 year lyme free hallmark!!!
I remember when I reached mine. It felt like winning a world wide championship!!