lpaiges23 said...
I see my LLMD for the first time on July 21. My PCP has been zero help, as I know a lot of us deal with difficult doctors.
I am not detoxing...not even sure how to appropriately detox to be totally honest. I have read SO much, but just not sure where to start. I am anxiously awaiting the 21st...i feel like i will have so much clarity.
do you ever feel like its almost impossible to get yourself into a routine? i try and try to be better, but i have such little energy or focus. i never used to be this way. i lived by my routine, now i just try to make it by the seat of my pants. lol. ohhh lyme.
Start with the easy things! LOL! Dry skin brushing, drinking lemon water (but brush your teeth after each glass - the lemon is hard on the enamel of the teeth), lymph massages, and milk thistle. Start with one and add in one new one every 3 - 5 days. You can also get started on a good diet (if you aren't already) - it's basically low carb, no sugar and no/very little dairy. There a ton of variations that you can explore to see what diet works best for you, but the lower carb and no sugar are pretty important, as they will help you avoid yeast/fungal issues during treatments.
Once you get those things going, then you can start with other things, if needed. Things like taking alpha lipoic acid or glutathione if your doctor will do that (they work kind of the same, although glutathione is more 'powerful'), and other things - depending on how well your body detoxes.
Oh Holy Moly!!! Yes!!! It's super hard for me to remember to add things in, or to change my routines in any way. I'm usually thrown for a loop for days when I do that! Seems many of us here wind up 'flying by the seat of our pants' all too often, but that's why we are here! To get suggestions from others when we need to!!
Hang in there!!