HzKabod said...
Thanks, Traveler, for your follow-up comment & interest. Very kind of you!
I had done the liver flush for 2 days & had been off all supplements but the milk thistle & dandelion for 24 hours before I actually saw the doctor. There was significant improvement in my appearance by that time! Altho he didn't see the yellow in my skin, I can still see tinges of it, but my eyes definitely looked better.
He complimented me on my choices of supplements & said I was well-educated about lyme & co-infections (thank you all here, on this forum who have supplied such great info & pointed me in the right direction early on!!!).
He ordered blood work to check on the liver. I told him that babesia can cause jaundice, so he ordered a blood test for that, altho I understand the likelihood of that showing up in blood work is pretty minimal.
So to reiterate for those who will read this thread in the future--yellow skin & jaundice can be caused by babesia & you will want to treat for that as well.
Best to you all!
Yay - you're already having improvement. And I'm glad you are having blood work to check your liver function just to be sure.