For my 2 year old daughter, I had made a sort of fixed protocol of detox.
I used chlorella + bear garlic tincture + propolis drops + flaxseed oil + enzymes + cardamon + bit of wild honey about
2-3 times a day for my daughter.
I do think the above suggestions of MILK THISTLE, vit D3, magnesium citrate or glicinate (any good magnesium), Omega 3 supplements are essential for well being.
I wouldn't give so many antimicrobials + biofilm busters at once, like you are doing (but it is maybe the protocol given by your doctor?).
I would go MUCH SLOWER on antimicrobials, cyst busters, biofilm breakers... Much slower, really.
But if she can stand all that , it must be fine I suppose? I guess it all depends on detoxing abilities of the body: the more a person can detox, the more he or she stands antimicrobials.
I started improving only when I put my antimicrobials to its minimum amounts, but raised the number of supportive supplements, foods, and binders.
I have no doubt that in my case, keeping antimicrobials in the lowest amounts helped me out of lyme, because supportive treatments could clean the mess of herxes.
The ideal proportion for me (and my daughter) was about
10% of anything that would cause herxes (antimicrobials, cyst busters, biofilm breakers) to 90% of everything else (binders, etc).
that proportion allowed us to go on living, despite lyme treatment. And when lyme went dormant, we still continued on the supportive stuff, just to be sure it was gone. We only dropped the 10% of antimicrobials!
Now my daughter is 13 years old. She's lyme free for the last 8 years.
She was just 2 when hell broke. It took her 3 years to get off lyme, but she did it.
Wishing you good luck. I hope your daughter will feel better soon!