Posted 7/17/2017 8:33 PM (GMT -5)
Hi hollsya -
I don't know if this is helpful - not sure what kind of pain you're having and what other sx or patterns are involved. But I'll share my GI woes, as the journey was long and arduous and ended up in a very different place than where I started, and I'm 90% better now.
My GI problems started about the time I think I contracted Lyme & Co nearly 20 yrs ago and became really bad about 5 yrs ago. I was unable to digest solid food without a lot of pain and was on a liquid diet for almost 2 yrs. I finally found a naturopath specializing in GI and thryoid, which were my main issues (or so I thought).
She did some good testing - I had SEVERE leaky gut, yeast/fungal overgrowth, hypothyroid, severe neurotransmitter imbalances and I also was given the typical diagnoses of fibromyalgia, CFS, and "stressing myself out, not taking care of myself, not sleeping or eating enough..."
Then I figured out my Lyme & Co situation, got diagnosed w/ Lyme, bart, babs - who knows what else, we stopped testing. The following symptoms popped up or got worse after starting Beyond Balance A-Bart - I started with 5 drops once/day and worked up to 30 drops 2x/day:
- gave me bouts of diarrhea alternating with constipation--literally flip-flopped every couple of days
- insomnia - problems going to sleep (I usually crash the minute my head hits the pillow) and significant problems staying asleep (this is likely connected to adrenal imbalances and a cortisol surge in the middle of the night) but bart is notorious for causing insomnia
- increased GI problems - problems digesting food, increased issues with food, and disruptions in moving food through system which in turn causes increased toxin buildup.
- horrific GI attacks where I would start feeling pulsating cramping in my stomach, which then would radiate outward and through my entire torso, front and back... And over the course of a few hours they would get worse and worse and be so painful that I would be crawling to my phone to dial 9-11 but would pass out before I got there... and after about 12 hrs and a lot of dry heaving this would culminate in projectile vomiting a few times - then it would all be over. One episode landed me in the ER on Christmas Eve.
I didn't realize it at the time - took me about a year to draw the connection but these attacks would occur every 4-5 wks while on A-bart, and never occurred when I was off A-bart. This was how LLMD and I were able to diagnose the Bell's palsy of the gut.
I was already on IV Rocephin so she started me on IV Vancomycin and the episodes have never returned. I've been on it a year and I'm going off this/next month. Success. I've never had much success with any other herbs for bart except CSA, which I'm going back on this week, in fact.
So... long story short, I would explore a microbial origin of your GI mechanical problems.
Hope that's helpful -