alunke82 said...
hi girlie i am not good at detoxing i forget alot of the time i hope i get better i will try getting mino when he come home ty
alunke82, I hope you can read this link okay. is so important for you to understand that your body is sick and not working as well as normal. Your body has to move out all kinds of toxins and crud that we encounter in the air, in our food, etc., every single day.
When we take antibiotics or other substances that kill the bad organisms in us, the remains of that dead stuff goes into our blood stream, and into the organs designed to filter it out, and put it into one of our body's natural channels of disposal. That could be urine, sweat, etc.
Those filtering organs get overwhelmed with it all and get blocked up. So they send the crud back through our blood stream all over again. It keeps cycling.
That link that I gave you is full of easy methods to help your body remove the crud. These too must be added in slowly, but the more you do, and the more regular you do them, the better you will feel.
Otherwise you will be like I was on my 90 days of Doxycycline thinking I was dying and would not live to see the New Year. I didn't de-tox. I wasn't aware at the time how important it is. Most Drs. don't even realize that.
Doxy is a good antibiotic for these Tick borne infections. It works. Sometimes some people absolutely can't take Doxy, they may be allergic. That's a different matter.
Pleas don't forget to take really good probiotics for your stomach too, at least 2 hours away from the antibiotic(s). Otherwise your stomach will rebel when you try to eat.