Hello all it seems that i now have lymes disease and am after help to remove this the best way possible
as now i am starting to get very fatigued / muscle aches/ blurred vision just started a little today and have not felt this down ever ,
Can someone please help with what is a good start please , as doctors hear in Melbourne Victoria seem to be little educated on the disease and in not much of a hurry .
have just changed my diet to a keto diet , well trying my best to get my head around it which is also a bit foggy.
starting a heavy metal detox and want some guidance from experince please and that may help calm me down as i am starting to get worried and have been on this computer for two days straight i think looking for answers.
all help and support is most very welcomed and appreciated
Thank you
Post Edited By Moderator (Girlie) : 7/29/2017 12:16:48 PM (GMT-6)