Sweetlife said...
My first symptom which was the only glaring one for 7 months was a crawling/itchy cobweb feeling only on my face, especially around my eyes but even up my nose. I about to lose my mind wondering wth it was and trying tons of things to get rid of 'it'. It scares me to death and I don't know what I'm going to do if it gets even worse during a herx ( which I'm horrified of after reading stuff on here about it)
I've had that. It's nerve related. Kind of makes sense since it really get's on my nerves
Talk to your LLMD about
your fear of herxing and ask for supplements/aides for detoxing so your herxing doesn't need to be a nightmare.
bhorvat-I posted a link to a facebook post in a thread I started earlier today. This is two paragraphs from that facebook post by Thomas Grier-
Commonly reported neurological symptoms include numbness and tingling of hands, feet and scalp. Patients often report memory loss, muscle twitches, disorientation, sensitivity to bright lights, pressure inside the head, eye disorders, and movement disorders. Also seen are the more subtle changes like poor word retrieval, the reversal of letters, and difficulty separating thoughts and images. Muscle weakness, loss of ambulation and headaches are also sometimes reported. But a somewhat nebulas symptom that is often overlooked and can linger for years is: visual perception disorders, sometimes referred to as Visual-Spatial Disorders ).
A neurological Lyme patient may describe this disorder in a variety of lay-terms such as disorientation, surreal perception, a sensation of feeling high and having impaired thinking and memory problems. They may feel like a different person and exhibit different emotional feelings than before being sick or even a complete detached feeling that some have described as an emotional lobotomy. I believe that the cause of these fuzzy indefinable symptoms that do not readily respond to antibiotics, is micro-cellular damage in the brain that causes small and numerous areas of brain damage.