Hello newbie17 - welcome!
Doxy was my first antibiotic for lyme, too. I herxed on Day 4. I posted on the forum and one of the Moderators told me to back down on my dose for a day or two and focus on detoxing.
I did...and it helped.
Question: Is this an acute infection, or chronic? How long have you been ill?
What are you doing for detox? This is crucial - you need to flush out the toxins that the die-off of bacteria is producing. Your body has high inflammation going on...and you're suffering as a result.
Some detoxing I do regularly:
- Drink minimum 8 glasses of water daily
- Add fresh lemon juice into some glasses
- take warm epsom salt baths
- dry brush my skin prior to baths
- take a binder - activated charcoal
- light exercise
If you're not detoxing...then I suggest you start with a few methods...and every few days..add another one.
There are more ideas here:
www.tiredoflyme.com/detox-methodsAlso, is it a LLMD you are seeing? Reason I ask, is you really should be on 200 mg twice daily of doxy. It's fine to start with 100 mg and then increase (and since you are herxing, it's wise that you wait until that has resolved before increasing the dose) to 200 mg twice daily.
We encourage our new members to read through the thread at the top of the page: "New to Lyme?..start Here!"