Shellazae said...
Girlie said...
Shellazae said...
Mr. Dude,
I think IGM means a recent infection. Does this sound right? Are you being treated for Lyme disease then?
No, IgM means active infection - it can be an older one.
I was IgM positive after 15 months of symptoms.
Lyme behaves differently than other diseases. In Lyme the IgM can stay for many months to years.That's interesting. Where is the line between active and dormant? So why is my igm not showing as active and I feel like I am on my death bed? Just not sensitive enough tests?What were your test results?
We can have an active infection, but not producing the antibodies because our immune function isn't able to mount the response...this can happen when we're sick with lyme.
That's why there are so many false negatives. Our bodies just aren't producing the required antibodies...from immune suppression.