Posted 8/28/2017 9:45 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Traveler-
The history is this:
Relapse in November with normal Lyme/maybe bart neuro symptoms. LLMD had me on MCBAR2 and coptis and nani. Did not notice major improvements in symptoms (neuropathy, anxiety, insomnia, calf twitching) but developed loose stool.
After a few months on MCBAR2 I was experiencing major stomach pain.
Was tested for GI stuff, only found citrobacter in my stomach as well as low good bacteria. Have been taking a good protiotic all along. Also ran a nutrition screen to check for intolerances. Wheat popped up (not gluten) but my naturopath an I decided since I ate wheat a lot on vacations and was symptoms free on vacation, that wise not a culprit. Also switched to a ketogenic diet for two weeks and felt like crap with no difference in stool.
My LLMD took me off all antimicrobials in April. I'm not sure why, buy it's why I switched to a naturopath. So I was on nothing until jaw numbness started on July 1. That was scary. It was the first new symptom I've had in years. At that point we decided to start the Buhner core protocol as it pointed to tick borne issues.
After starting the core protocol at 2 capsules 3 times a day, I had improvements in anxiety, depression, insomnia (resolved). So something was happening. Jaw numbness turned to pain then faded to occasionally noticeable by the beginning of August same with calf twitching. After a few good stretches (maybe 95%) dropped back to 90%.
We upped the herbs to 3 caps 3x daily this past Thursday and the jaw numbness came back stronger - not pain or as bad as before. But still present. Added homepathic st john wort for nerve issues. I asked about binders but she is not a fan of chlorella as she feels the quality is iffy and a lot of times the chlorella can suck up metals and things from the location in which it's farmed.
Yet, through all of this, the bowel movements was varied between a 5 and 6.
For detox:
Exercise daily
FarIR sauna daily at night (15-20 minutes)
ACV, when I think about it
64 oz water daily, at least