Healing98 said...
For me, the floaters were actually blood that was leaking from one of the blood vessels in the eye. My Ophthalmologist did some tests and found a number of issues in my right eye, the one with the floaters.
After injecting it with a medicine to stop the bleeding, the floaters went away within a day or so. A few weeks later the floaters came back and the doctor found that the eye had started to leak again.
I would recommend that you see an Ophthalmologist just to make sure that your eyes are OK.
it's called angiogenesis and linked to bartonella
/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC529148/blood vessels grow more than they should because they have a tissue type where bart likes to live in (the interior of the blood vessels is a special "skin" called endothelium) so bart stimulates growth of more tiny blood vessels so it can have more places to live. isn't it cool to be able to talk to your house and it will magically grow as your family grows ? :|
tell your ophthalmologist to read up on bartonella. they love to be told they don't know things, she will hate you