Girlie said...
If you read the stories the fluoroquinolones (and subsequent floxing) are being used for urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, ear infections, as well as bartonella treatment. It doesn't appear to be happening more for those with bartonella compared to other infections.
Are all the flox sx the same? I really don't remember. I think I developed my theory assuming that some of the floxxing sx were identical to very common bart sx... but assumed that not all floxxing would produce those sx. So I guess I should have narrowed the group of people I was talking about
Unless the floxxing sx are considered the same. Then I agree that it's probably a coincidence that they are the same as some of the bart sx.
I had a similar "reaction" with ketoconazole. I nearly fainted 30 min after my first dose. I didn't know it had this side effect or that I should stop taking it. I'm glad I didn't because I had no other reactions after that and I took it for a year every day. My theory was that it caused severe die off and the toxins in the die off were just too much too fast for my heart to handle. Either that---or in addition to that--I might have had yeast/fungal build up in the heart.
When Rx trials are done, the sx are noted and I can't remember how they qualify them but it's possible that there are reactions to the drugs that are not necessarily dangerous, but symptoms not well-understood by researchers. Imagine that... they've produced all these antifungal drugs but I swear the researchers know very little about
how yeast/fungus manifests, nor how to effectively treat it. MDs know even less.
Anyway, that's my rant/theory/rant.