dbwilco said...
Thank you Jo....yes im using both charcoal and ala, Lapis....i have a gb4000, and have mainly used freq from my naturopath that are specific to the infection in me (if that is to be believed), along with a couple from the cafl
ok great! you actually have a good machine, not a piece of crap like so many.
here is the deal, the CAFL freqs are hit and miss, mostly miss. These right here are the freqs that really work! this lady uses the DNA genome to mathematicaly calculate the kill freq of each pathogen. I used my rife machine for years with little affect, when i started using the DNA freqs...BAM! big affects.
you have to register and get a key to order, but they are SO worth it. let me know if you have any questions.
also try modified citrus pectin as a binder, it will help.