Posted 1/3/2019 11:53 PM (GMT -5)
Central apnea can greatly improve with abx and antiinflammatorys,when mine flairs,biaxin will stop in tracks,also hormones taken within hours of episode,stos from occurring for weeks.narcolepsy comes with it,so when I feel an unnatural sleepiness I force to stay up and treat immediately.the e excessive adrenaline that zaps you( I have been awake in Er,stopped breathing while awake,then got zapped in chest fom my adrenal) . Sometie you can have adrenal pain next to spine from waking you up over and over.
It is chronicled in medical journals about estrogen/ progestin success in treating central even in normal non lyme women.can be found online.birth control Pills have help keep in check though ,lyme kill all hormones if regressed enough in brain stem.even taking hormones at higher levels when measured barely detectable at 9 . Without it it here are no hormones detectable.recenly after 3 years of treating all,I think my hormone switch for thyroid and females,has slightly switched on.digestion has improved slightly,gastroparesis is common with no working vegal turns on to zap heart,and constrict vessels when agrivated,stress,med,winter,no un in eye,or forget abx for few days,always big mistake..even bladder pain can return.( needs hormones kept up too)
As one gets older its harder and harder to hold back the push of lyme.must be vigilant with all meds.mine is worse then most.even tylenol can give me afib and put me on floor in few minutes.there is trace alcohol in coating.Vegal nerve can't have,only little salt ,no alcohol even trace,no narcotics,( go into mast cell shock) no novacaine product ,lidacaine cream( these constrict blood vessels immediately to body heart brain) my baroreceptors in vessels are messages wrong by vegal..
I had bad dizziness thanksgiving from missing few days abx.a bloom can constrict blood o brain get very dizzy .i ve had spontaneous lung clots from this as well( pulmonary hypertention) .on blood thinners,high platelet count ,afib ,clots demands it,but have aneurism so keep low.
These are only part of awful symptoms of lyme meningitis can do.i had twice,both 105 temp fast in 1 hour,labor like pain back of head,that's what lyme can do.this disease will always progress if allowed unchecked to grow.but,this is neuro lyme,not everyone has this form.though the bacteria brakes disks in back too,in spinal fluid,had sciatic infection that can return if not customized treated.back is degenerative all over.but each persons issues can very.i have them all,mainly following the vegal in body ,bladder,stomach,heart,diaphram,voice ear,eyes ( constant infection if not on meds) thyroid,if they could fix a vegal nerve I'd be normal.
But,I ride horses,garden furiously carry rock for walls around property every year,carry large dirt bags,give one on one care to all my chickens,who are beloved pets, etc., i will not succumb to this awful thing easily.summer is great with suns taming of bacteria level and calming of vegal through pinael gland.( sun in eyes) I live for march - August.symptoms appear in late August from weakening sun.
This is much knowledge for any layman to take in ,however, if you want to win,study endlessly ,knowledge is power.only the best experts know all of these things .it does take a mechanical mind,a scientific detective to figure it all out.worth it.had to help myself,and it worked.
I have two kids both with it,so what I reap they can benefit later in bad our love of the outdoors got us all here..( though son got from me pregnancy shortly after meningitis,bacteria was still rampant,only treated briefly in 1990 .
Maybe ,someday all this will be common knowledge ,and all will be recognized and say many decades.