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Chlorine Dioxide helped my LLMD's wife heal from Lyme!
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Elite Member
Joined : May 2007
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Posted Today 6:09 PM (GMT -5)
Ha ha ha, okay, Mister Mike - that's enough!
Regular Member
Joined : Jul 2012
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Posted 2/8/2015 1:05 AM (GMT -5)
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency known as g6pd is a genetic deficiency that prevents those who have it from taking certain types of medications. That is all I know about
it but here is a link.
Elite Member
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Posted 2/8/2015 11:35 AM (GMT -5)
SLML, I'm so very sorry (
) but what? I'm lost!! Again! LOL!!
What does this have to do with? I read that it's a condition where people don't process carbs right, and so don't produce glutithione as well.
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Posted 10/6/2017 2:58 PM (GMT -5)
I used chlorine dioxide (which is NOT bleach, it's a different molecular structure) to treat Lyme about
10 years ago. Chlorine dioxide gas is what you get by activating sodium chlorite with citric acid, which you then mix with water, or a beverage that does not contain vitamin C. I used cold coffee.
I worked my way up to 10 drops and did it every 3-4 hours for two weeks. Had a bout of nausea at beginning so backed dosage down. I recommend increasing dosage by one drop every other dose.
I had the classic bullseye rash after finding the tick on me. My dog tested positive for Lyme too. I could not get him to drink the chlorine dioxide so had to pay for antibiotics at vet.
But I didn't have insurance so treated myself. I never developed any Lyme symptoms except the bullseye rash.
As I said, ten years... Symptom free, so assuming it worked as described. I've also used chlorine dioxide to treat a tooth infection and a case of what I thought was a stomach bug. It worked fine then too.. Tooth infection gone in a couple of days.
I would not take chlorine dioxide on a regular basis, but in these small, correctly mixed dosages, for short periods, it has not ever been reported to have bad effects.
Keep in mind that when you mix the solution it only creates the chlorine dioxide gas for 2-3 hours max. Then the compound breaks down into harmless salt and water. This is why it's safe and also why low dosage every 3-4 hours is effective. You are keeping the gas in your blood in small amounts but over an extended period of several weeks. Two notes: don't worry about
skipping dosages while sleeping, just do one before bed. Also, I did for just two weeks as I started within 4 days of being tick-bit. If you've had Lyme for a long time, I'd certainly consider a longer course of treatment, or repeating the treatment with a short break of a few weeks. I would also take daily double enteric coated probiotics every day after you are done with treatment.
Considering it's used to kill anthrax, Lyme bacteria is a breeze for chlorine dioxide gas to handle.
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Posted 10/8/2017 3:29 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks for telling your story, Sue.
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Posted 11/22/2021 2:25 AM (GMT -5)
Hey travler,
I was reading the old thread on MMS (chlorine dioxide) and saw that u successfully have beaten your Lyme issues. I’m new here so I’m not aware of your story, but might u be willing to tell me what worked for u? I’m getting so tired of the constant up and down. Been battling this 15 years now.
Much appreciated.
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Posted 11/22/2021 4:55 PM (GMT -5)
hi jeff , traveler has not been online in a while now she is a certified herbalist. she was in a bad spot but used a decoction blend of herbs called chronic tonic . her story is amazing and hope she is doing well. i learned a lot about
tcm and detoxing thanks to her .
+ fwiw sweet annie and andrographis gave me a better herx than iv rocephin...
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Posted 11/22/2021 6:14 PM (GMT -5)
Traveler has been on a few times lately - yesterday in fact .
You can email her
I’ll find her email address in a bit and post it here.
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Posted 11/22/2021 6:52 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks guys. And yes, I’d appreciate the email if u have it.
I’ve tried a lot of herbs but I seem to notice very little to very bad. Most I notice nothing from but knotweed seems to cause pulse to tick up, anxiety, nerve pain, etc. At first I thought it was detox but ive taken each herb individually and only knotweed does it and it does it fairly fast. I think it’s the herb itself and not a detox from it. Maybe too stimulating?
I usually use green dragon botanicals blend which has in it:
Japanese Knotweed root
(Polygonum cuspidatum) - wildharvested - NE United States
Cat's Claw vine bark
(Uncaria tomentosa) - wildharvested - Peru
Eleuthero root
(Eleutherococcus senticosus) - organic - China
Sarsaparilla root
(Smilax spp.) - wildharvested - Jamaica/ Mexico
Dandelion leaf
(Taraxacum officinale) - organic - USA
Other ingredients: organic grain alcohol (55-60%), water, organic vegetable glycerin, raw honey
It doesn’t seem to do a lot other than make me hella anxious that I can tell. 🤷♂️ Any advice is appreciated. I go thru a sorta movement of issues. Sometimes it’s my nerves, sometimes eyes, etc. Currently my voice is about
out as the muscles in my throat are so tight. That comes and goes as well. Sometimes quickly, other times it lasts for months. Getting frustrating.
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Joined : May 2014
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Posted 11/22/2021 7:49 PM (GMT -5)
We don’t post contact info - but if you click on her name in this thread - it will take you to her profile and her email address is there.
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Posted 11/22/2021 10:59 PM (GMT -5)
Eleuthero is the one that people typically find too stimulating.
Forum Moderator
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Posted 11/23/2021 6:09 AM (GMT -5)
increased heart rate can be a sign / reaction to dropping blood pressure.
reduced blood flow to the brain is also linked to anxiety and panic type reactions
knotweed is known to lower blood pressure - more for some people than for others
this could perhaps be what's happening - especially if you have other POTS like symptoms - or any kind of blood pressure dysregulation ( v common in lyme/bart/babs ) - eg rapid heart rate or dizziness on standing after sitting for long periods - the knotweed could just be lowering it a bit more and making these symptoms more obvious.
i don't know is this is the actual explanation to the symptoms you are experiencing - but since it seems to line up i though i should put it out there as a possibility to consider
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