Hi dirtfarmerswife, perhaps my story might change your mind about
stopping collagen. I've been infected for many years and during this time my body lost much of its collagen. It was most noticeable in the dry, wrinkly skin. It looked like that of a 90 year old person. I also began to creak (joints) every time I walked and my hips would hurt when I got up after sitting down for hours.
Another problem that I had was that a blood vessel in my right eye would rupture and bleed every few months. I was injected in the eye with a huge needle to stop the bleeding every time that this happened, which was every few months. Well, this went on and off for a few years. My Ophthalmologist could not explain why it kept rupturing. He checked my blood pressure and blood sugar which are two of the most common culprits. Both were normal.
So about
6 months ago I started to take Great Lakes collagen (green container). After a few weeks I noticed that my hips were not hurting any more and my joints were no longer creaking or hurting. I also noticed that my vision had improved and my skin looks so much younger. I no longer have alligator skin, specially the top of my hands.
I went to my Ophthalmologist for a checkup expecting to get injected again. It had been three months and I was due for one. Well, to my surprise, he took me into his office and showed me a photo of my last eye scan from 6 months earlier and compared it to one that we took that day. My eye had not only healed in the two spots were the blood vessel was leaking but it had also began to grow new blood vessels around the damaged area. He asked me if I was doing anything different and the only thing was the collagen. We think that my body was so depleted of collagen that my blood vessels could not heal or grow new blood vessels. Seeing both images side by side was very impressive.
It is true that our infection feeds on collagen. I also think that as long as they are in our bodies they will continue to feed and rob us of our nutrients. From my personal experience, I strongly believe that we have to feed them so we can feed and repair ourselves. I take the collagen at the same time that I take my herbs, hoping that when they come out to feed that they also eat the herbs and poison themselves! Well, at least I hope they do
Post Edited (Healing98) : 10/11/2017 8:33:21 PM (GMT-6)