Hi Zrobinso -
You have definitely run the gamut of diagnoses and tx, as many of us have. I went undiagnosed for 16 years... I know how you're feeling - many of us here do. Glad you found us.
I think your instincts are pretty good about
this - regardless of if or when you tx Lyme & Co or how (there are many effective modalities other than antibiotics so don't NOT treat because you don't want to use abx), your body will struggle to support the treatment if the immune system isn't functioning and if there are too many competing demands for systems and functions.
One thing that is necessary to understand is - what are your current symptoms? Lyme & Co is primarily a clinical diagnosis. Even with positive tests (which I think you already show a positive for Lyme) - it's important to understand what is going on and often, to rule out other coinfections that are very common with a tick bite. It's possible that you can be infected with the Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb or Lyme) microbe and not have developed Lyme disease and that your sx are due to some other tick infection or something else so it's important to understand what your symptoms are.
Additionally, sometimes symptoms can be indicative of other problems brought on by the body's response to infections or damage that has occurred that needs to be solved separately from an antimicrobial approach. Often, these issues are missed and can be part of the reason Lyme & Co treatment is ineffective.
The methylation issues can be quite complicated - most MDs are looking for the two popular mutations and there are hundreds more and they can often combine to alter impact. I also had no support with everything I tried to mitigate methylation issues so I just focused on implementing all the detoxing I could in order to continue moving forward with my treatment. I'm hoping that by the time things calm down for me, the mythylation science will be a little more resolved. Fingers crossed.
One rule of thumb that is helpful is that heterozygous mutations are generally a 30% reduction in the function referenced and a homozygous mutation is roughly a 60% reduction. It is very common to have heterozygous mutations in the general public--definitely common with people like us.
Regarding "curing" or "clearing" the Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb or Lyme) microbe - this is kind of a misnomer. It's impossible to know if you've killed ALL the Bb in your body and it's also irrelevant. The intent in treating is to heal the body so that the infection is reduced, the immune system is dominant and your symptoms subside. Obviously, this isn't what happened with the silver. This could be because you have other issues going on - pathogens, viral loads, immune dysfunction... the list of potentials is long.
And one thing only YOU can change is you will absolutely have to allow your body a chance to heal by slowing down. There is no way around this. You can't be that symptomatic, indicating that much dysfunction, AND be trying to put your body through treatment which also has its demands on your body... and try to carry on an active lifestyle. It just isn't gonna work. Been there, tried it a few times - delayed my treatment at least a year because I didn't listen to my body. It's telling you that it can't handle the load. It wants to heal - help it.
So - my strong recommendation is that you first slow down your day - work less, do less, get more sleep, be more inactive, peaceful, and allow what you're already doing a better chance to work. Make sure you're getting good nutrition and that you have no GI/absorption issues or you're wasting time and money.
I'd consider getting adrenals checked with a 24-hr multi-saliva sample test with a urine sample to see how your adrenals are doing throughout the day.
And you might want to increase detox protocol - cover all the bases (skin, GI, liver, lymph, brain) - members here can provide a lot of good input with more detail about
your sx.
Confirm you have no GI problems (70% of our immune system is in our GI), high viral loads or anything else that can overwhelm your immune function so that it's more effective at helping you resolve what you're treating and/or if you decide to treat Lyme & Co more aggressively.
And if you still run into walls, it's time to switch up the protocol. But again, that circles us back to understand your symptoms better and what they might indicate. I like sharing this questionnaire with people - helps prioritize focus sometimes:
Jernigan's symptom list:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=3673749&g=3673789#m3673789And we can help you figure out a good herbal protocol - some people also add in abx but many incorporate other modalities that can help (bee venom therapy, RIFE, infra-red sauna, and a few others...)