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"NeuroBart." Advice Needed!
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Regular Member
Joined : Oct 2016
Posts : 58
Posted 10/26/2017 11:28 AM (GMT -5)
I have a new question, so I hope it’s okay to do a new post versus adding info to my earlier post.
Earlier this week, I began experiencing the most horrible neurological symptoms that are unlike any I have had before. I suspect that dental surgery I had last month (a sinus life and two bone grafts due to a severely infected tooth abscess that I’m certain was due to Bart.) has introduced Bart. into my sinus, which then travelled to my brain. Ive been experiencing terrible migraines daily for nearly a month and I am now experiencing a wide range of new and awful symptoms, including bad head "pressure", vertigo, eye pressure, physical shaking, clumsiness, and a strange feeling of depersonalization; I feel like I'm losing my mind (in new and not so interesting ways....) I’m also extremely nauseous (I throw up at least once a day—sorry if this is TMI). I’m finding it difficult to type this message due to how weird my head and eyes feel.
My question is, can I take Minocycline along with the Artemisinin and Cryptolepsis that my LLMD has given me? My LLMD, who prescribed this abx, told me that I cannot take a single abx, as the bacteria can adapt and build resistance. So, I’m concerned about
taking just one (I have others that he wants me to introduce down the road, although I’m wary, due to how poorly my body is at detoxing right now and bad my inflammation is). I was planning on sticking to “just” the herbal protocol until December, but my LLMD told me that Minocycline crosses the blood brain barrier. I don’t know if Artemisinin and Cryptolepsis are helpful for neuro Bart, so I’m worried that they won’t be sufficient to tackle it and these new symptoms.
Any advice or recommendations would be much appreciated.
Veteran Member
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Posted 10/26/2017 11:39 AM (GMT -5)
I will let others comment on abx.
Sounds like you are very toxic and need to do a lot more detox right now - epsom salt baths, lemon water, sauna if you have access to one. There's more in the New to Lyme section. Also binders are very important - activated charcoal, modified citrus pectin, bentonite clay, chlorella, zeolite, prescript
ion Cholestyramine, etc. Liposomal glutathione, like Readisorb purchased from a medical provider, or IV glutathione can be helpful.
If it were me, I wouldn't add any killing herbs or abx until I got those toxins way down. Sounds like a really bad herx.
Could the dental work have released mercury or heavy metals into your system?
Veteran Member
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Posted 10/26/2017 11:46 AM (GMT -5)
Yes you can mix mino with herbals.
cipro, mino and plaquenil worked good for me. Maybe add Japanese Knotweed, or JK plus from Woodland Essence. Fresh leaf Hout may also help.
Post Edited (tickbite666) : 10/26/2017 10:49:05 AM (GMT-6)
Regular Member
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Posts : 58
Posted 10/26/2017 12:13 PM (GMT -5)
Thank you both, very much. I have the JK from Woodland, so could incorporate it when I'm detoxifying better.
Walkingby Faith, I'm not sure if there was exposure to either during the procedure. I had a bridge and the (badly) infected tooth removed, but no drilling into any old fillings. The dentists did, however, access my sinus via my palate, so there was a clear path directly into my sinus if there were any toxic materials in my mouth during the operation. The dentist said the only material that was used (besides the pain injections) was the bone graft material that was inserted into my sinus, which is inert (and was approved by my LLMD).
I appreciate your feedback.
Veteran Member
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Posted 10/26/2017 12:35 PM (GMT -5)
I just read your post again. If I understand right, the surgery was a month ago and all these awful symptoms started after the surgery. Maybe you're right. Maybe it did cause coinfections to spread. Pressure sounds like Babesia.
You could add some herbs - Sida Acuta is one. Another that I'm finding very helpful is IHA formula from woodlandessence. It's a combination of Isatis / Houttynia/ Alchornea. Just go very low and slow- start with one drop. I find them very potent.
Forum Moderator
Joined : May 2014
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Posted 10/26/2017 1:19 PM (GMT -5)
Your LLMD gave you the minocycline but doesn't want you to take it until you can take the other abx with it?
So, you are holding off treatment with abx until you have recovered from the dental surgery?
i understand your dilemma.
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