Posted 10/30/2017 9:22 PM (GMT -5)
Hi all, I don't post on here much these days but today I am looking for some help.
I have Lyme, RMSF, Babes, and parasites, I have been in treatment at the Hansa Center for almost two years. Originally fell ill almost 7 years ago.
I was making fantastic progress up until March of this year, I was doing so well. I was starting to do things I haven't been able to do in years like exercising and sleeping better.
But in March something in me just broke. I was at the clinic, I knew I had a sinus infection when I went. Day 1-good, day 2 kinda feeling sickly(normal person sick), day 3-worst I have ever felt in my life. Extreme pain, restlessness, no appetite, nausea, blurry vision, you name it. We thought it was a reaction to a supplement, I stopped it. By the weekend I was feeling better, still to this day never reached that original baseline again.
I have been on several adrenal supplements, anti bacterial/parasitics, fish oil, Vit C, anti inflammatory herbs, the standard gamut. I just can't gain anything back.
I have spent most of this year trapped in OCD and depression, never had either of which before. Anxiety and stress have also been through the roof, I have never been a stress person and certainly no anxiety.
Since my last visit to Hansa at the beginning of the month a lot of this has improved finally. Still a lot of bad days, but improvement none the less.
My question is, I have 0 appetite, I feel full after one bite-if I even get hungry in the first place. My sides hurt all the time, I am constantly fatigued to no end, two swollen lymph nodes(one in front of my left ear and one in front of my left shoulder, occasionally groin pain also assumed to be from lymph nodes).
I had a hiatal hernia, its been corrected several times by two chiropractors and a massage therapist. Sometimes its easier to eat after getting it worked on, still no change in appetite though. I was checked today, no hernia found.
When I was at Hansa last my doctor worked on it and I think he fixed it, it wasn't a big hernia.
Some notable things from my blood work-high EGFR-125 (60-120 is normal), high albumin on my last two labs-5.20 in June 5.40 in Sept.(normal 3.60-5.10), High iron-201 Sept and 199 in June(normal 85-130), High ferritin 71 in June and 83 in Sept.(normal 30-70) and eosinophils 7 in June and 10 in Sept.(normal 0-3). I was told parasites are my cause of high eosoniphils, I don't really have allergies.
I have also lost weight and have been completely unable to gain it back. After my last clinic visit almost a month ago i thought i may have made a little progress, I thought I was eating more, nope no gain in weight.
Do any of you guys have any idea as to what I could be further tested for or what I may look into?? My brain fog has severely hindered my own research...