LymeSick 🌟 said...
I'm on the Buhner protocol and I'm definitely seeing improvement.
But I could really use some reassurance tonight if it could possibly fully heal me? Feeling very worried.
I'm one of those people who literally can't take any antibiotics (I tried). So this protocol working is really important to me.
Thank you so much.
I'd be skeptic to any people saying they've reached remission from alternative treatment.
A lot of people just say they're in remission, but still stuck at 70% - 90% health. The reality is, there's a lot of people that are embarrassed, because they've said their cured one day, then months later the bacteria comes ravaging back. Yolanda Foster is a good example, a woman who has tried a lot of alternative treatments and made a lot of claims, but still dealing with Lyme.
I think patients end up sticking with the claim they've made months ago or a few years ago. For some people, sticking around on the forums can be very damaging to one's psyche, so they end up leaving and moving on. Then others make claims they've reached remission!
I know for a fact a lot of lyme literate physicians think just because a patient disappears from their practice, they think they've cured them. Couldn't be further from the truth, without a doubt LLMDs help patients, but what percentage of their patients actually reach remission? I know for a fact in Michigan it's a very very small percentage, because there was only like one LLMD that actually used the right antibiotics that worked, like Flagyl, Tindamax, and Ceftin.
Thing with lyme disease patients is, some days they feel cured, then some days they immediately crash the next day, next week or even next month. Reality is, if you're not symptom free for a long portion of the time, I'm talking 4-6 months, maybe even a year, you're not in remission. Lyme has dormant bacteria, biofilms and a very slow life cycle which cause all this confusion.
Then there's the people that say they're living in harmony with the bacteria, something Dr. Klinghardt preaches. Last time I check, your body will not be living in harmony with other forms of persister cell diseases like Leprosy, Tuberculosis, and Syphilis. I know what this guy means by bringing the bacteria down to a tolerable level for your immune system, but you find me a herbal protcol that can bring Leprosy and Tuberculosis down to a level where your body can manage those bacteria let me know... Human beings failed for centuries until antibiotics were created, a lot of snake oil was pushed over the years....
It wasn't until this recent breakthrough in the John Hopkins study on persister cells that they've finally made the connection that a lot of the same persister cell drugs for Leprosy and Tuberculosis might help patients with Chronic Lyme Disease. In last 2 years, there's been a good portion of patients through Dr. Horrowitz and Dr. Jemsek's practice reaching remission with persister cell antibiotics Dapsone and Pyrazinamide.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still very much believer in naturopathic treatment. 2 years ago I was off antibiotics for 7 months, using CBD oil and Rick Simpson Oil. It was a good way to take a break from antibiotics, but I was never symptom free and the bacteria came ravaging back after 7 months. There were days of course, including weeks where I felt normal. But there was always a few symptoms like fatigue that were always there.
I've been dealing with this disease for almost 7 years now, I've seen a lot of BS put out on the forums, a lot of BS...
Maybe one day they might find a herb or herb combination strong enough to put Lyme intro remission, but right now Buhner nor Cowden is having very inconsistent results. My personal opinion is using them in collaboration with antibiotics is the best way to fight this disease. The recent one which I completely support, even though a lot of patients say can't reach the blood stream is Stevia.
I used Sweetleaf Whole Leaf Stevia Concentrate with 25mg Dapsone on a daily basis this past year, I made strides I never made before with any other antibiotic I used. I felt clear headed, energy levels that Dr. Horrowitz described his wife was feeling. It was like a dark cloud lifted off my head! I find that Stevia even works well with Tindamax, Ceftin and Doxy too, these other antibiotics have been shown to be potent against round body forms and persister cells.
I hate to tell you this, but I think it's a reality of the situation. I think herbals still might get you to 80%, like what Dr. Jay Nielsen said in this video in Reluctant Preppers. But then again, percentages are just numbers tossed around, everyones guessing how they feel and what percentage of bacteria is left in your body, not to mention the coinfections
They recently just stated in a new study that oregano oil worked really well against persister cell borrelia.
But remember, there's a reason why antibiotics have been made. After scientists found antibacterial material in the environment, they compounded into an artificial form to make it 10x more potent. What part of oregano oil is actually antibacterial, how much would you need to take in order for it to reach the blood supply in order to kill the bacteria in vivo. Remember all this is in vitro, why people are so skeptic on Stevia actually working in the body.
If scientists would just find the part of Stevia that makes it kill biofilms, then compound it into an intravenous form of antibiotic, Doctors may have a cure on their hands. It may be what the company Curza is using for their CZ-1-99 drug.
From my experience, I've found that putting it underneath the tongue and holding it, can help the absorption. Stevia is meant for the biofilms anyways, you'll still need something very antibacterial to kill of the round bodies, active spirochetes, and L forms I believe.
I'm well aware of what you said and take into consideration antibiotics aren't for everybody, because everyone's genetics and bodies are different. some people just can't tolerate them for years on end. I say don't give up hope and keep treating, stay strong regardless, I stayed optimistic regardless of how crappy I felt all these years.... And guess what, I'm back to benching 300 pounds, running 4-5 miles a day.
I could be entirely wrong on just treating with herbs, but this is the conclusion I've made, just my personal opinion. Maybe I'm wrong! I think it's good stay
open minded regardless about
Lyme Disease as Dr. Ying Zhang said in the video down below. I just know that there's "a lot of people" getting taken advantage of with alternative treatments, just be aware of that. A lot of supplement companies making a lot of money of Chronic Lyme, including Big Pharma with autoimmune drugs, which I 100% do no support!!!
Just keep hope LymeSick, I think some anti-biofilm drug will hit the market soon, whether it will be Curzas or Agile Sciences’ Agilyte drug. A lot of breakthroughs have been made in the last few years, it takes awhile to hit the market because of side effects, but keep hope. I assume since one antibiotic will be able to hit biofilms and spirochetes hard, rather than using multiple antibiotics, you'll probably be able to tolerate it better and be less side effects, but that's just a guess.
On the bright side, IDSA/CDC doctors are being brought up under charges of conspiring to deny lyme patients coverage. I assume this court case wouldn't have been constructed if the attorneys didn't have some sort of proof....
"To back their RICO claims, they say the insurers formed an enterprise rife with mail fraud and wire fraud with the IDSA and its panelists, by mailing fees over state lines to the panelists to pay for their allegedly fraudulent Lyme disease treatment guidelines."
A lot has been happening in last few years, regardless of the little breakthroughs being talked about
on the forums. I'm on Lyme Net and others, just decided to register today on this forum. I tend to lurk more than type in the last few years.
Post Edited (Charlie55) : 11/18/2017 5:07:26 AM (GMT-7)