LymeDown said...
Dapsone 50 mg in the AM.
Doxy 100 mg AM and PM
Rifabutin (not sure of mg but sure it's pretty standard) AM and PM
Also taking various other supps and herbs.
DETOX IS HUUUGE...clay and zeolite, hibiscus powder, charcoal, and a couple of aminos that extract the ammonia the bb leaves in your system. I recently discovered to take MORE clay. And, important: lots of Milk Thistle to get the liver functioning efficiently. More water.
Also taking Otoba Bark, and cats claw concentrate, and a few others. But, I believe the main focal point and why I am improving is the dapsone, doxy, and rifabutin, 5 on 5 off and the continuous aggressive detox. I was doing all these herbs plus about 10 others from Beunhers book prior to dapsone, and for over a year! Dapsone, doxy, rifabutin, + detox seems to be the game changer for me. And I have had many complications: 4 sinus surgeries. This means Scar Tissue= good place for bb to hide and difficult to reach due to less blood flow there. And a very lyme troubled marriage where I was labelled as "withdrawn" by my spouse over a period of over 10 years. And hell yes I was. You all know what it takes just to make it through the day with this crap! My spouse never accepted I am sick. You all know that is major stress and how important is is to shed the stressors from your life. Well after 22 years of marriage she is divorcing. So more stress. But in spite of all this, dapsone is still doing it. I feel real hope right now and having good days not felt in years. I have managed to keep my career through all this and feel I may pop out on the other side, look back and say WOW what a darn big bump in the road that was! I am 53 and decided to get in shape 3 years ago. Right now I lift weights twice a week and also do Body Pump Class once a week. You too can do this. Start slow and dont start with cardio, only weights. Pace yourself. This will take mind over matter because your body won't want to oblige your mind. But it can be done with big determination. You MUST work out to beat lyme!
If anyone is interested, pm me with your phone number and I will text you all photos of what I take. Also, if anyone wants a friend to talk to, encouragement, you can call me. I have helped 3 people discover their lyme. Their is not enough friendship and communication at a close level among the lyme community. That needs to change. There are so many lyme suicides that could be averted.
Beautiful! I'm also a big-believer in this philosophy. We are a brother and sisterhood. These illnesses can be ridiculously hard, so many suicides. If we can support one another through the journey, well that is a fabulous and empowering thing. Thank you for offering your support.
One of the greatest silver-linings for me in this experience has been getting to meet and connect with so many amazing people (patients, researchers, doctors) that I never would have met otherwise. And it's also thanks to all those people that I've made it this far
in fact, after years of being misdiagnosed with CFS/ME and bedridden, having seen a score of do-nothing doctors... I stumbled across this forum, and it was the patients here who helped me uncover the fact that lyme/coinfections were at the root of my illness. And that put me on my way to recovery, it's been a long journey but thank goodness for the patients here who put me on the right path...