k07 said...
Great to hear from you! Pre-med? Wow!
Are you treating with abx?
I am curious how the kids were treated and for how long too. As you may recall 2 of my 3 kids are positive but asymptomatic. We treated for a short period.
K07, great to hear from you again. It is tough for kiddos to know for sure the correct way to treat. With our, we went based off of symptoms. They were all treated for at least one month. One of whom was symptom-free after that time. I have one daughter as you might remember who has Downs and she was on a much longer course and has had 3 different runs of antibiotics all which greatly improved her symptoms but after a couple of months, she would relapse. One of my other daughters had dealt with major fatigue and headaches which were greatly improved with treatment but has since had symptom return.
We are going to see with them one at a time but 2 of them are going back on treatment for long-term this time and we are all going to have a diet change and go on herbal support. We decided if they were not symptomatic then we would not treat with Antibiotics but would instead go to herbal right away and try and get their immune system into the fight to keep it off but if they become symptomatic then we will treat.
We are going to have them all tested with the DNA connexions PCR test as we can save up money for the tests and see if there is still actual bacteria that can be detected and then if it is positive we will go from there, starting of course with the most symptomatic kiddos.