EDIT: Please check out the update post (31st of December), just scroll down the thread a little bit... The answers I got might interest someone with similar issues.
Hello everybody! Tomorrow is my fourth birthday with Lyme (or whatever this mess is). As a 22nd birthday gift I'm treating myself to going to get some blood drawn once again on Monday so that I can send it over to Germany and hopefully get some clear results back. Last and first time I tested was in early 2016. My CD57 count was low (62) and Borrelia Elispot borderline. Then there have been some other indirect markers that make chronic infection seem likely, but nothing too clear so far and that has been torture to say the least. I guess you know what I mean.
Now I really want to know what's going on and that's why I'm going to take more tests than I did before, I'm just not sure which ones I'd better take...
So: What infections would you test for if...
...it seemed like some pathogen got reactivated in your body by a longish course of antibiotics (minocycline) and/or severe stress? (= sudden, dramatic onset but really weird one, no typical symptoms of an acute infection and nothing that could be detected at the ER)
...your main symptoms were neurological, nothing so called severe but something as annoying as can be? Most importantly:
- feeling of pressure in head
- burning pain on head
- eye discomfort (light sensitivity, achiness, just not feeling right)
- chronic almost disabling fatigue (which started later than the head symptoms)
- unrefreshing sleep and food
- intense ear ringing, noise sensitivity and hyperacusis (started one year ago)
- ear pain and some other strange sensations, e.g. in the bridge of nose
- feeling intoxicated/poisoned/weird/bad etc.
(Everything is there 24/7, however some symptoms can intensify sometimes, e.g. after walking outside or after eating or after shower... or after just standing there... scary stuff...)
...at the beginning of your illness (or at some point) you experienced strong paresthesias, particularly horrible crawling and stabbing sensations all over?
...you have tried pretty much everything you can by yourself and nothing has brought you relief at all? (Just to name a few: diets, supplements: herbs, vitamins, minerals etc., physiotherapy, rest, acupuncture, t-VNS, LDN, T3, T4, small dose hydrocortisone, one time IV saline, colon hydrotherapy, rectal and ear ozone insufflations...)
...you have quite high IgG antibodies for CMV and Mycoplasma? Ch. pne. antibodies not risen. EBV antibodies negative (IgG and IgM).
...ten years ago you were hospitalized due to facial paralysis and other severe symptoms like massive head and neck pain and drowsiness? (...which eventually were found out to be caused by a reactivation of VZV, the chicken pox virus... But what made the VZV reactivate is what I wonder... It was a warm spring day... We had been gardening one or two days before... VZV should not reactivate in children unless something happens that suppresses the IS...)
...in a live blood analysis you could see creatures that look and move like spirochetes?
...your condition seemed to worsen no matter how much you have tried to solve it? Again no symptoms that can be detected in tests, just everything fricking weird that's hard to understand if you have not experienced it by yourself...
I hope someone can help me by sharing some insights... The desicion wouldn't be so difficult then.
I've been thinking about
testing for Borrelia again as it was borderline previously, CD57 again as it might give me confidence to look further, then Bartonella as the soles of my feet are sore and I have these hypersensitivity symptoms... Can Bartonella cause burning on head? Eye discomfort? Anxiety definitely yes? Then maybe CMV as the IgG was quite high and I just have this feeling that it might be a virus that's bothering me the most... Maybe Mycoplasma because the IgG was high... And I've got this fatigue (and a diagnosis of CFS of course). What do you think? Should I consider Babesia or some other viruses? What does this sound like?
Have a day everybody. May God help us all.
Post Edited (Eaglet) : 12/31/2017 4:58:43 PM (GMT-7)