PLEASE HELP ASAP! I need to know if I should get additional tests before the end of this year because I will have horrible insurance next year and I need to get everything done now.
My results of Igenex Western Blot IgG and IgM are back: Negative.
IgM: band 41 positive
IgG: band 41 positive
Other tests by Lenco Diagnostic Lab (they are a regular lab, they don't specialize in Lyme):
Epstein-Barr virus: 8 (reference <0.8)
EBV ECA IGM ABS: <0.2 (reference <0.8)
EBV Nuclear IGG ABS: >8.0 (reference <0.8)
Lyme Disease AB: 0.05 (reference <0.90)
Mycoplasma IGM ABS: 0.19 (reference <0.90)
Toxoplasma Toxo IgG: 3.6 (reference 0.0 - 7.5)
Toxo IgM: 0.2 (reference 0.0 - 8.0)
Lyme IgM ABS: 0.19 (=/< 0.90 - No detectable B Brurgorferi IgM Antobodies, Result does not exclude infection. An additional sample should be tested within 4-6 weeks if early infection is suspected).
So, The Igenex is negative but Epstein-Barr virus is there by a regular lab. Should I go to a very expensive local doctor (who charges $660 for a visit but insurance will pay probably $200 this year) to have him do other bloodwork? Or can you tell me what other bloodwork to run? I have no idea.
Please help.
Post Edited (Pianist) : 12/7/2017 11:07:07 AM (GMT-7)