Posted 12/7/2017 4:17 PM (GMT -5)
Lila, please don't feel isolated. We're always here to lend a kind ear, offer suggestions when we can and support when we can't.
I, too, have had this intermittent pain under my left rib. I mentioned it to my LLMD early on and he was not overly concerned. I have had a full blood panel done (several, at this point), and I'm sure your doctor will check on basic blood and metabolic functions when you see him/her.
Do know that the tests for Lyme and co-infections can be quite unreliable. I tested negative for Babesia, but had the classic symptoms. It wasn't until I treated for Babesia that I began to make any progress. So, finding a good LLMD is an important first step (along with your own building your own knowledge and understanding).
Hang in there.