Mergirl please know that you are not only in this war...and it is a war on so many fronts. I know what it's like to feel completely hopeless as there are many times often throughout the day where my thoughts and emotions get the best of me. Like you, I have neuro Lyme as well as bartonella and have been fighting this war for 4.5 years (although my former llmd believes I have been sick for a long time) and at tines have truly lost all hope. Like you, my biggest fear is losing my mind as well as which organ will be hit next. It is an unrelenting mind xxxx that I wish upon no one....other than all the doctors and heads of insurance companies
. I hate to say this as I usually do not wish I'll will on anyone but change happens when those in power are impacted. Given that Lynne and friends are becoming more commonplace, it's just a matter of time.
There are so many difficult things that go along with these illnesses it only stands to reason that there are moments that we break down and lose it. If we didn't we would not be normal. I have terrible neuropathy and like you, have hearing loss and tinnitus. There are times when it drives me crazy as I believe it's the antibiotics that are causing these symptoms. Problem is when I get off the antibiotics my neuropathy rages...catch 22 and drives me crazy...keeping me up at night.
I just want you to know that although you feel alone and completely miserable, you are part of this forum where there are many many people who understand where you are coming from because they are either going through it or have been through it.
These diseases take so much from us and speaking for myself, am a shell of what I used to be. But I am not giving up because I want to live long enough to see the IDSA and cdc eat their words. I am stubborn and at this point it's about
all I have left but if this will keep me going then so be it. I know it's hard not to focus on the negative "what if" but there is the other positive "what if" that we must hold onto. What if the passing of the 21st century cures act leads to a cure to all this misery? What if a member from any one of the prestigious universities figures these diseases out? We do not know what tomorrow brings so please hang in there, we are all in this fight together. And keep posting....because we get it.