Posted 12/12/2017 5:24 PM (GMT -5)
Hi everyone i need some feedback or oponions .....i have been hanging on by a string literally not able to eat ,naseau,lost so much drastic weight ,insomnia,heart racing shaking ,gasping for air in my sleep ,mind racing ,pacing back and forth not able to think straight so i went to get a second oponion she was a ikads trained pschiatrist i paid 800.00 to walk through the door she said she did not like igenix labs that they come back false positives and that mdl labs out of nj is wsy better an accurate ...she said she believes i had lyme but now it is the aftermath of my neurotransmitters being off even though it shows i have babesia and bart i believe as coinfections through i went back to my old dr because i was deseperate asked to be put on flagyl low dose to start 250 mgs i stopped all other abx which were clindamycin,bactrim,cefdinir and diflucan old llmd said i do have babesia and bart but the llmd before him said no bart just babs i am so confused can not get a straight answer from anyone do these drs even know!Any way staryed flagyl one pill yesterday and for the first time last night slept like a baby were before i would just pace all night....can anyone explain this is this hitting something ?? Or do i have a bad parasite infection??