I sense adrenal fatigue and treatment can be a source of confusion sometimes.
A common test for this is the ZRT 4 point, 24 hour adrenal saliva test, about
$150. This is not recognized by conventional medical Drs, but some know about
its popularity. Its a good "guide".
Adrenal fatigue is not the same for everyone, so the best supplements will not be the same. Its a general term for adrenals that are not adjusting to your ambient needs, like overreacting to small stressors in a nervous system sort of feeling, not necessarily in terms of temperament..
Adrenal fatigue can make you
1) tired
3) both at different times of the day. Plus "wired" will make you tired after the "wired" time.
As some read this, they might be thinking, "oh, I thought adrenal fatigued people are tired all the time".
NOPE. They can also have periods of over stimulation/hyperness. Almost like hyper thyroid.
When the adrenals are stressed, they can go haywire and overreact also. And have daily repeated "flip flop" pattern.
Ancient Ayuredic practice in India "rates" these adaptogens from "cool" to "hot", although you wont find this mentioned much anymore. I like to say, mello to revving, since thats the range of what they can do to your energy. And you match that with what herb you need.
There are easily 7-10 or so adrenal adaptogen herbs depending on your goggle "landing". I used to have a good bookmark that "stacked" these in "energy" order as a guide (until my hard drive blew). When reviewing these, pay attention to cortisol height reduction or gain, or whatever equal definition they chose to use. They all somewhat "level" the adrenal energy, but some are more mellowing and some are more energetic. When you adrenals are toast, this difference is usually noticeable in feel..
When someone says "I felt better on this" its not really saying anything at all without the details as to what your symptoms were and the outcome after said supplement use. I think this could be a common answer if someone did not know the different variations of adrenal fatigue or adrenal stress.
For this reason, study before you buy. I liked the individual ones, and they dont cost much. The "mixed" adrenal adaptogen herbs better say what to expect, like more energy or calming energy, if not, your gambling on the outcome.
NOTE: Remember the extreme variations of this are actual diseases and tested by conventional medicine known as Addison's and Cushing's, and treated with Rx's or sometimes tumor removal. Conventional medicine only recognizes extreme high or low cortisol. The blood test is compared to a early or late AM range. They do have a urine test to, I think its a 24 hr, but average.
Additional notes:
Adrenal wise, I'm mostly better now compared to how messed up I was. But with Hashimoto thyroidities, even with optimal treatment, Adranals rarely work as they once did. The thyroid and adrenal have a puish / pull effect , working, ot tyring to work as a team.
I had all three tests I mentioned in the post abouve- 24 hr saliva, + the two conventional tests: 24 hr urine average, and AM olny blood . The convention ones did show I was at the top of the morning AM range. But then they dont bother with the rest of the day LOL. I'm thinking having cortisol levels the top of the range is only good for a super hero.
I took "cooler" (mellow) adaptogens like holy basil in the AM and before bed, and the more "hotter" (energetic) ones like gensings in the afternoon - to match my desired energy needs.
Ashwagonda and Rhodilia were NOT calming for me, actually a little to energetic for AM use.
Note: there are four different energy levels in the gensing family (4 diff gensings) alone!!. The other adaptogens are not like that.
hope this helps some people, I've been working on adrenals for 4-5 years and a lot better now.