My worst knee just flared up BAD
Last doctors Appointment was May 1st…
Then took the last step on the drug program the next day on May 2nd.
This was to double the Clarithomycin. The next day the left knee started to cause trouble.. then worse on Thursday, Friday…knee was immobile all weekend hoping this would help the left knee get better for work Monday. Could not move much even if she wanted to. Today the symptoms are much worse…. I will put the symptoms at the bottom. Before the last drug was added I was moving a lot more....
Good things: - no skin itch or rash – as she had the reaction on Azithtomycin and no other joints are affected, including her other knee (the better knee), except back and neck on Sat. only.
Is this a Herx ? It seems very localized though. If it is a herx - what to do – stop the Clarithomycin? Or go to half dose ?
Is there anything good to do to relieve the symptoms of a Herx?
How long does this mostly last.
If not a Herx – what is it and what do we do? I had been moving the knee more a few days before it started getting sore on May 2nd.
Today’s Bad Symptoms on left knee:
Sharp shooting pains(like sharp threads) going up my thigh from my left knee, very swollen, feels like my knee has dissolved, just super squishy. Back of knee is super sensitive too, feels like a curved C shaped knife wrapped aroundaround the top and sides of my knee – is cutting in..
Right knee is fine, had lots of back & neck pain & joint cracking in back , neck and knee on Saturday, was really bad and then it went away.
My Left knee was locking on the outer left side, when I tried to straighten it, while sitting yesterday, today just so swollen and hurts not matter the position…..
Thoughts....??? - did I just do or have something happen to the knee to badly irritate it, or a Herx or what do you think.....??
Will be talking to my doctor - but curious to see what everyone thinks...