Posted 1/28/2018 1:22 PM (GMT -5)
1000dasies thanks so much for all of this! This is definitely helpful, at least for a bit of potential clarity haha...
I figure I might list my symptoms more fully here - first to see if you think it matches your kid’s (as you’ve indicated), and second in the hopes the detail could help others on this forum in the future...
Symptoms usually follow this pattern:
1. Tossing and turning in sleep, nightmares
2. Slight faintness during day
3. Red, hot ears
4. Achy legs, flu aches not Lyme aches (the difference is extremely slight)
5. Sore throat and right ear
6. Fever, which lasts 3-5 days
It’s come 4 times now, I’ve felt the symptoms a few other times but somehow was able to avoid it turning into the aches and fever. The first time the trigger was some high sugar fruit, car travel, and jumping in a cold river. Second time less than 8 hours of sleep two nights in a row plus sugar and cold air. Third time sleep + banana. 4th time sleep + bad food that provoked my old leaky gut issues.
The 2nd time I made it worse by trying to work through it, it lasted 9 days. The 3rd I was more careful, worked a little but from bed, but it still lasted 6 days. The 4th I literally didn’t do anything but sleep and it still lasted 5. As you said the only thing that helps is Advil, though as soon as it wears off everything comes back.
A few small questions for when you have time!
- Did you pinpoint any triggers?
- How long did this last, ie how many times approximately?
- Any foods that you found helped during the flares?
- Same for exercises - during and after - I lose a lot of muscle mass and have a lot of muscle tension from laying in bed for so long.
- Maybe if you have time if you could list the detox methods you tried that didn’t work, at least that could be useful for elimination sake! I wrapped my feet in garlic and plastic wrap a few times as I thought it helped, but now I’m not so sure it did.
Thanks again!!!!!