i am absolutely sure there are no trials of any kind of lyme treatment that involves more than one antibiotic, even though the research that multiple (read that >3) antibiotics are needed because the darn bug will not even die in a test tube...
they either give a person ceftriaxone for 9 months, doxy, or they start with ceftriaxone, then they continue with doxy. but never more than one drug. other drugs were tried, but not more than one at a time... why not ? TB is treated with 3-4 drugs ...
if anyone reading this forum is aware of such multi-drug in vivo study, i would very much like to see it so pls reply here with a link!
one reason is there was no real study done on these persister bugs before zhang and k. lewis came to the show. i mean there were, but they were done by low profile researchers that are not recognized as good in the chronic infection field like these two new guys are... and since the breakthrough studies rolled in since 2015, there was not enough time to run trials. right now they are running them on mice, next is humans. so probably 5 more years to wait until you will get some results in