Clunky- brain fog has many possible reasons with and even without lyme.
Besides the aforementioned detoxing, I will add state of liver health has a direct effect on brain function.
Low thyroid levels are a known cause to brain fog, and these infections are known to throw of the thyroid in quite a few of us, usually its temporary, but still good to get it tested. TSH, free T3 and free T4 are the tests.
Thyroid hormone "fuels" EVERY cell in your body. So all organs are affected and the blood/brain chemistry they influence, this includes depression, anxiety and cognitive function.
Brain chemistry can also be off from the debris and toxicity of lyme itself an an organism in us. There is currently a very lengthy post on this, which was successful with two members here.
/ lastly, "Lyme brain" is for most of us, just an over used term, but in some cases, it is in your brain. This usually has very severe symptoms much greater than "fog".
Post Edited (astroman) : 2/1/2018 9:11:30 PM (GMT-7)