Dahlias said...
Her neck pain went away within the day, but she's been feeling a variety of odd symptoms that she finds hard to describe. One is a light feeling in her chest. Does that sound familiar to anyone? She also noticed alternating between being hot and cold, and some sweating both day and night (not drenching). Her temperature has always run low -- is that a symptom or just a quirk?
1) Feelings in chest
Familiar? Yes. I've had all kinds of chest symptoms.
- mild air hunger (feeling like I couldn't get a satisfying breath or fully expand my lungs; would stop to "concentrate" on breathing and would yawn trying to stretch my lungs)
- feelings of slight tremors or vibrations in my chest
- shortness of breath to the point of feeling like I had asthma (asthma test was negative; pulmo workup was normal)
- pleuritic type pains in the chest
- tightness and rigidity in my chest wall that made breathing difficult (lungs couldn't expand properly but it was due to my chest wall feeling like immovable concrete as opposed to something wrong with my lungs)
- sharp pains in the center of my chest
- general feeling like I wasn't breathing right (most likely autonomic dysfunction)
2) Temperature fluctuations, sweating, low temperature are all common and are associated with Lyme or babesia or bartonella.
- I have always had low temperature, even more so now that my symptoms are worse. I have PCR positive Lyme and ehrlichia and clinically diagnosed bartonella and maybe babesia. I associate the majority of my symptoms with bartonella.