Posted 2/17/2018 9:27 PM (GMT -5)
This is like, the 3rd time this week someone has posted my situation almost word-for-word. Crazy.
I've had a bad cold 3 or 4 times this past winter. It goes away then comes back again in a few weeks. I took Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) trying to get rid of Candida, and in a week started having a low HR (54) at night when I lay down on the couch to watch tv. It caused frigid chills and my temp was 95.3 - 96. It was of course accompanied by severe anxiety and insomnia.
I assumed it was a Babesia herx from the GSE, but it lasted well over a week after I stopped taking it. (panic, heart palps and air hunger -typical Babs- also preceded the bradycardia)
Finally got to see my doc who didn't seem too concerned about it, but said I could go to a GP for an EKG if it would make me feel better (But I would really need a HR monitor because it only happens sometimes, and in the evening). To him, it's typical for the 3 Bs (we think Babs is my biggest problem). I ended up taking Benzos to stop the anxiety attacks. The super low HR has subsided (knock on wood).
He also mentioned my thyroid, which I am treating for hypo. I am happy with my levels (~2.5 down from 4.8) but he likes to see it even lower. (my previous LLMD was not at all concerned with my 4.8). He recommended trying to raise my dose of thyroid med if other things didn't help.
So I'm treating Babs (probably the biggest cause), emergency measures for the anxiety attacks, trying to stay hydrated because liquids seem to go right through and not get into my bowels. Adding a little salt to my water helps it absorb.
I don't think it has anything to do with my colds/flu, but it's a heck of a year for it, so who knows?
I'm not sure if it would make me feel better to get heart tested by a GP. I don't really have a GP I trust (I get super emotional when they look at me funny about my Lyme) and its very stressful to find one. It will also cost a lot of money and, I feel, be going in the opposite direction as most Lymies, who spend a lot of $ and go through dozens of doctors for a diagnosis. I got my Lyme diagnosis, I am not sure I want to spend money just to prove to myself (and everyone else who can't believe Lyme takes this long to heal) that its not something else, when the heart issues exactly match tick-born illnesses and is very common, but not serious.